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  • Posts: 14
« on: February 11, 2005, 11:38:38 am »
I have been to estimate my first clean, I have prices in mind so thats not a problem. (1 off deep clean, followed by 2 nights weekly general maintainance)

What I need help with is actually putting the estimate to paper. Should I enculde copies of cleaning schedules ect ?

If anyone is kind enouth to send me an example of their estimates I would be greatfull & it would help me a lot !, I would recomend Private details ect.. to be removed before you send.  Email:

Thank you.

I recieved good news today, I have got my buisness account accepted with a major bank. I wasnt expecting that with my credit i`m very pleased :D


  • Posts: 1945
Re: Estimates
« Reply #1 on: February 11, 2005, 04:37:54 pm »
hi there,

replace the word ESTIMATE with QUOTE,  as i have said on a previous occassion put as much detail in the quote as you can, sell yourself on a professional presentation.

put yourself in the prospective cleint shoes, receives your quote,

" to deep clean premises will cost £xx.xx + VAT
to clean premises twice per week will cost £xxx.xx +VAT per month"

on  a bit of headed paper

or the other quote,

a full letter, a full specification of the cleaning activities, a copy of the insurance certification, a bit of health and safety blurb, possibly some COSHH info, some information about other services that you offer.  Possibly spine bound with a clear cover.

which one grabs the attention.

sell yourself through the quote and its presentation.  give the prospective client a flavour as to the quality of service he or she will receive.

good luck




  • Posts: 32
Re: Estimates
« Reply #2 on: February 11, 2005, 04:53:33 pm »
Hi Martin,
              Have pm'd you did you get it.  ???


Light bulbs don't give off light,,, they suck in the dark.
And when they no longer work it's because they are full.


  • Posts: 1945
Re: Estimates
« Reply #3 on: February 12, 2005, 12:26:59 am »

no didnt get pm, pl3ease resend, when did you send it?




  • Posts: 32
Re: Estimates
« Reply #4 on: February 12, 2005, 01:03:44 am »
Hi Martin,
              About 3 or 4 days ago, will send it to you again.


Light bulbs don't give off light,,, they suck in the dark.
And when they no longer work it's because they are full.


  • Posts: 14
Re: Estimates
« Reply #5 on: February 12, 2005, 05:10:07 pm »
Thanks martin19842

I have been trying to put something together for a few days now without much success..

I have gone out & brought some very nice looking clip files, some professional looking conqueror textured paper, but simply cannot find any usefull information to put in it. (Excluding the initial quote)

what I really need is an example of a quotation pack. But nobody seems to want to help me with this.

I have absolutely nothing so far, and really want to get this quote in by monday.

Are there any other cleaning forums out there that are speficially aimed at the "Newbie" type commercial cleaner ? or at least somewhere I can download some cr@p to put into my presentation quote pack ?



  • Posts: 1945
Re: Estimates
« Reply #6 on: February 12, 2005, 06:44:58 pm »

its isnt "cr@p" its one of the sales tools for your business.  It does surprise me as to how some people expect to win business.

its about how you market yourself to your potential client.  Please tell me that you have some info, as if not, how are you going to have any chance of succeeding.

everybody starts somewhere, and as you go on in business your marketing and strategies will evolve and change, hopefully to give you better edge over your competitors, and to aid you in winning more business.

its not about people not wanting to help, but people are going to give you all the answers.


Mr Kipling, any chance of your cake recipe?? 

I know they are nice just want to make some money.

answer from Mr Kipling, no you cant have the recipe, but he will proabably tell you that you need flour, water etc and an oven.

good luck.



Tim Downer

  • Posts: 656
Re: Estimates
« Reply #7 on: February 14, 2005, 06:18:17 am »
Hi Azura,

As Martin has explained quite nicely, its not that people do not want to help others....its more the case that we may have spent many hours of hard work presenting our Tenders and working on the relevent documents, that we may be reluctant to "just pass it over to someone else to copy..."!?!....just like our lovely Mr.Kipling above.

However, some of the Ingredients are:

Cleaning Specs....what is being cleaned how end when.

Cleaning procedures....How you are safely going to go about the cleaning.

Health and Safety....What your H&S policies are, and all your risk assessments when doing the cleaning. What H&S issues will arise and how you will safely overcome them.

Company Insurance details.

Coshh details along with any examples and the coshh regs.

These are just some examples of our "pack" for new tenders. Our folder has over 80 pages of information like the above and I think Martin above has mentioned in a past posting that his are nearly 100 pages.....

I've just realised that Martin has mentioned all this on one of the first postings above..... sorry to repeat it!!

It is a bit sad though that you refer to the presentation pack as being full of "cr@p" because this presentation folder is, as mentioned by Martin above, your Sales Tool. The potential client will look at your presentation and others as to potential partnerships in business and sometimes it could will be down to the presentation of your company!

If you feel your sales tool is a load of "cr@p" then what is your work like? If you feel your work is planet best compared to your competitors then let your presentstion pack shine!! and show this to the potential client with some pride.

Anyway, having said that i hope the above will have been of some use to you and all the best in working on your quotation pack


Tim Downer

"The difference between Ordinary and that little Extra"


  • Posts: 14
Re: Estimates
« Reply #8 on: February 14, 2005, 06:05:01 pm »
Thank you for all the support so far..

I accept that the word "Cr@p" was used without thought and I should have really used something on the lines of "filling articles".

I also must add that I have taken your advice heartfully & have decided rather than to look for an easy way out by downloading bits and pieces from the internet, I have sat down and "thought" about my own presentation pack......................

Well, what do I have now ? 

A, 4 page full color Brochure, 1.5 Pages of terms & conditions, Cleaning schedule of works ect, Cosh, H&S... and even a free 2005 Calender ;) all presented in a nice clip folder using top quality high resolution paper for all printing.

So as far as things go Mr Kiplin, you can keep your cake recipe, cos mine tastes better :P :P :P




  • Posts: 1945
Re: Estimates
« Reply #9 on: February 14, 2005, 06:37:24 pm »
hi there,


now you are thinking in the way that you should., be positive

when we quote a job, we quote it to WIN, and we will do everything we can to WIN.  otherwise it aint worth quoting in the first place.

