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  • Posts: 505
Re: VAT question ?
« Reply #20 on: July 18, 2008, 11:12:48 pm »
i was going to say that but i was busy doing my homework!

mr merson

Re: VAT question ?
« Reply #21 on: July 18, 2008, 11:16:09 pm »
So there is going to be a few changes around here ! I hate my customers anyway ! They deserve to be taxed a bit extra anyway  ;D


  • Posts: 16952
Re: VAT question ?
« Reply #22 on: July 18, 2008, 11:19:22 pm »
If your VAT your VAT,my accountant said to me it would have to VAT on everything otherwise your be losing 17.5% on ones you don`t charge,you will pay VAT on all your earnings from the day your registered.Otherwise it would be like operating as 2 companys,this is the choice your going to have to make is the majority of your work commercial if it is then the VAT route is the best if not it might be worth looking into other options such as being LTD both have there fores and againsts.I can tell you that it`s not worth being VAT just to get a new van,the best saving you`ll get on a vehicle if under the VAT limit is HP.Forget lease or hiring if your not regisered for VAT,you will lose money in VAT you can`t claim back each month aswell as depreciation on the vehicle.

mr merson

Re: VAT question ?
« Reply #23 on: July 18, 2008, 11:23:14 pm »
I want to target the best commercial !  I have learned the best way to do this is being vat registered !  I stand to be corrected ( as usual )  ;D


Re: VAT question ?
« Reply #24 on: July 18, 2008, 11:28:47 pm »
I think there is definately an expectation for you to be VAT registered when dealing with commercial work on a regular basis. It is almost like a yardstick, a subtle measurement that you earn a certain amount and are therefore deemed to be in the club and that you have got to that level means you are more competent to do works for others. Whether this is the case or not!!!

Whether this is my view or a general perception I am not sure but it certainly seems to be the case

Rob ;D


  • Posts: 16952
Re: VAT question ?
« Reply #25 on: July 18, 2008, 11:30:57 pm »
If they request that your registered say you`ve applied and are waiting,you never know you might pick up work without the need at the start.I wouldn`t apply unless your near the threshold,i think some businesses take comfort in the fact that there dealing with a registered company it reasures them that your established and mean business although it`s not always the case,cowboys can apply to the treasury isn`t fussy when it comes to getting there pound of flesh.

mr merson

Re: VAT question ?
« Reply #26 on: July 18, 2008, 11:49:58 pm »
NWH , thanks for taking the trouble to post replies mate  ;D . I have a master plan that is going ok up to now LOL .    I Take a lot on board regarding business !  My plan is to marry my spanish sweatheart next year , and live in Madrid  ;D  I have a 16 year old boy who has just had major surgery , and my father who has bad health , but who doesnt accept any of families help  ::) I have been a stress head the last two weeks , and I appologise now if I upset anyone on here  :'( . I have struggled with Bi Polar since being a six year old !    Last point  but most important is I found inner peace with my faith !   If I can help anyone on here please just ask me  ;D


  • Posts: 16952
Re: VAT question ?
« Reply #27 on: July 18, 2008, 11:59:22 pm »
NWH , thanks for taking the trouble to post replies mate  ;D . I have a master plan that is going ok up to now LOL .    I Take a lot on board regarding business !  My plan is to marry my spanish sweatheart next year , and live in Madrid  ;D  I have a 16 year old boy who has just had major surgery , and my father who has bad health , but who doesnt accept any of families help  ::) I have been a stress head the last two weeks , and I appologise now if I upset anyone on here  :'( . I have struggled with Bi Polar since being a six year old !    Last point  but most important is I found inner peace with my faith !   If I can help anyone on here please just ask me  ;D
Sorry to hear that Mr Merson,hope it all goes well for you.My father was told he had Alzheimers last year and has gone down hill since,he just gone into a home and is settled now but you don`t realise how these things stress you out without you knowing it,it`s not until you sit and reflect on life that you start to realise how short it is and how lucky we are.VAT i earn more than you etc it means nothing when you think about it.

mr merson

Re: VAT question ?
« Reply #28 on: July 19, 2008, 12:07:24 am »
NWH , thanks for taking the trouble to post replies mate  ;D . I have a master plan that is going ok up to now LOL .    I Take a lot on board regarding business !  My plan is to marry my spanish sweatheart next year , and live in Madrid  ;D  I have a 16 year old boy who has just had major surgery , and my father who has bad health , but who doesnt accept any of families help  ::) I have been a stress head the last two weeks , and I appologise now if I upset anyone on here  :'( . I have struggled with Bi Polar since being a six year old !    Last point  but most important is I found inner peace with my faith !   If I can help anyone on here please just ask me  ;D
Sorry to hear that Mr Merson,hope it all goes well for you.My father was told he had Alzheimers last year and has gone down hill since,he just gone into a home and is settled now but you don`t realise how these things stress you out without you knowing it,it`s not until you sit and reflect on life that you start to realise how short it is and how lucky we are.VAT i earn more than you etc it means nothing when you think about it.
Thanks , I just think sometimes we are too busy to deal with real emotions ! We carry on thinking we are john wayne , and then it hits you !  I went over to brid last week ( where my old man lives ) I was trying to get him a scooter , to get him out and about . Arranged for a salesman to meet me there , and he arrived .


  • Posts: 14
Re: VAT question ?
« Reply #29 on: July 19, 2008, 07:20:31 pm »
Don't know to much about VAT, but was talking to a cleaner the other day who has two companies. one Ltd & VAT the other not??? What do you think??? Jase


  • Posts: 16952
Re: VAT question ?
« Reply #30 on: July 19, 2008, 08:05:44 pm »
With 1 company the chances are he does a lot of purchasing and pays VAT so there`s a hell of a lot to claim back and if he didn` would probobly go out of business.

George P

  • Posts: 1304
Re: VAT question ?
« Reply #31 on: July 20, 2008, 11:31:52 am »
claiming for 3 years is for vans, tools etc but not for thinks like diesel. diesel etc is only 3 months


  • Posts: 2506
Re: VAT question ?
« Reply #32 on: July 20, 2008, 11:52:14 am »
Yes you can go back 3 years.  I was registered before I cleaned anything. 

Cant see why anyone wouldnt want to be registered.

17.5% less on fuel alone must be worth it.

17.5% less on chemicals


Best, Dave.

That is bad advise to everybody. Why would you want to give away 17.5% of your earnings to the vat man? Unless you are using more fuel and chemicals than you are earning you will always be giving money to the vat man.

For example - you earn 30k - vat man is owed £4468.00
Fuel Used 4800 vat due back to you - £715
Chemicals used - £5000 - vat due back to you - £745
In total you owe VAT man £3008

Remember the vat man is not a charitable organisation. It is there to collect money from you, not to give it to you.


  • Posts: 2506
Re: VAT question ?
« Reply #33 on: July 20, 2008, 04:47:21 pm »
Don't know to much about VAT, but was talking to a cleaner the other day who has two companies. one Ltd & VAT the other not??? What do you think??? Jase

If the tax man finds out he will be billed for years of back vat. They call it related companies and will tax it as though it were one if it is operating in even similar business models. However, if one was a window cleaning business and the other a swimming pool installation business then that is ok as they are not related.

ronnie paton

  • Posts: 3245
Re: VAT question ?
« Reply #34 on: July 20, 2008, 06:12:18 pm »
so if one is a window cleaning business and one a driveway cleaning would that be ok?


  • Posts: 2506
Re: VAT question ?
« Reply #35 on: July 20, 2008, 07:48:30 pm »
I am not sure, but you need to be able to convince the vat man they are not one and the same.

ronnie paton

  • Posts: 3245
Re: VAT question ?
« Reply #36 on: July 20, 2008, 07:53:33 pm »
well there not the same one cleans windows and the other driveways, its funny how different accounts have different views on what is above board.


  • Posts: 2506
Re: VAT question ?
« Reply #37 on: July 20, 2008, 10:53:41 pm »
I know, not all accountants are equal. Most will tell you they now it all but only a few are in any way good.

Be careful of associated busineses (I think VAT call them aggregated). They can go back 20 years and will add late registration fees and interest for every penny. It would be a disaster if in 5 years they wanted it all back.

mr merson

Re: VAT question ?
« Reply #38 on: July 21, 2008, 05:49:55 am »
So there is going to be a few changes around here ! I hate my customers anyway ! They deserve to be taxed a bit extra anyway  ;D
I dont actually "hate" my customers ! That was a daft thing to say in jest, but could have been missconstrued  :P