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Moderator David@stives

  • Posts: 8829
Malg Gould letter help
« on: July 18, 2008, 03:59:25 pm »
Hi Malc

Can you word a letter for me basically i want a

My name is

I have just taken over form blah blah , I have kept to the price you had agreed witth blah blah x amount, for me to continue with this service it will be x amount from the next clean in 4 weeks time.

I hope this is ok if not sod off please let me know on 080808-080

Thankk you

Mr Rip off merchant

Moderator David@stives

  • Posts: 8829
Re: Malg Gould letter help
« Reply #1 on: July 19, 2008, 08:05:50 pm »

Re: Malg Gould letter help
« Reply #2 on: July 19, 2008, 08:13:43 pm »
Hi Malc

Can you word a letter for me basically i want a

My name is

I have just taken over form blah blah , I have kept to the price you had agreed witth blah blah x amount, for me to continue with this service it will be x amount from the next clean in 4 weeks time.

I hope this is ok if not sod off please let me know on 080808-080

Thankk you

Mr Rip off merchant
lol Mr Rom

Dave why dont you just write one, put it up here, and let everyone comment on it. Or just use it, I am as blunt as a spade with my customers I do add a few benifits after my points though, I have taken over quite a few rounds now and rarely get a problem you will always lose a few (unless your are very lucky)


Moderator David@stives

  • Posts: 8829
Re: Malg Gould letter help
« Reply #3 on: July 19, 2008, 08:18:25 pm »

This will bring you up to speed , i have contacted a lot of them , but i will probably clean some of them before i have contact with the customers

Re: Malg Gould letter help
« Reply #4 on: July 19, 2008, 08:22:35 pm »

This will bring you up to speed , i have contacted a lot of them , but i will probably clean some of them before i have contact with the customers
just read one of your comments on that class made me laugh love the angle  ;)


  • Posts: 25133
Re: Malg Gould letter help New
« Reply #5 on: July 21, 2008, 06:13:33 pm »
Sorry Dave, just saw this .... right here goes.


I am writing to introduce myself to you as the new window cleaner taking over from ragit and run. I have cleaned your windows today at the rate previously agreed between you and Mr. Ragit.

However I understand that his rates have not increased in some time and due to ever spiralling costs - including inflation, bank charges and especially diesel fuel - I have no option but to increase the price to £XX as of and including my next visit.

I do hope you understand the necessity of this and assure you of a first class and reliable service. If you are not happy to continue then would you kindly telephone me on 01234 56789?

Kind regards,


(I don't know if I would put in the bit about phoning me tho' - I think I'd just leave the bit in red out and just put my number under my name.)
It's a game of three halves!