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  • Posts: 13
Looking for own business, is cleaning a good choice?
« on: July 05, 2008, 11:37:49 am »
Hi forum,

I've spent the last 28 years in Electronics, working my way up from Test up to Quality Manager, but alas working for other people, making them richer in the process.  I haven't done too bad financially either, but I still have the woes that go with this employment.  I really want to work for myself. I work hard in my job, used to be long hours, my family now come first. I am not afraid of hard work.  I have decided to set up a domestic cleaning business. I have no mortgage, my house is paid for and I am lucky to have no debt at all. What is the potential in this business of cleaning? All replies gratefully recieved. Thankyou in advance. Please e-mail me at: with any advice.

Kevin White

  • Posts: 97
Re: Looking for own business, is cleaning a good choice?
« Reply #1 on: July 05, 2008, 12:18:23 pm »
Go for it !
There is always money to be made for anyone who does a good job and works hard.

Ex MIQA myself mate, electronics and then chemical. Cant beat working for yourself. The hours are longer and the pressure greater but it beats doing an audit and setting up control charts any day.

Good luck
coming 2nd means you were 1st to LOSE


  • Posts: 92
Re: Looking for own business, is cleaning a good choice?
« Reply #2 on: July 05, 2008, 12:45:20 pm »
I agree with the above post,

however I would urge you to think carefully about the timing. The economy is changing for the worse and my own belief is that times will become hard for all small business's let alone the domestic cleaning industry. Setting up at the moment may well be more challenging than normal but probably not impossible. On the plus side you have a very stable financial position which should make your risk minimal. My advise would be to build the business organically and not invest much money untill your client list is enough and growing.

My own thoughts is domestic cleaning like pressure washing will see a reduction in demand as the economy suffers (it is a luxury in many ways). Maybe you would consider putting it off for 12 months to see what occurs?


*Chris Browne

  • Posts: 863
Re: Looking for own business, is cleaning a good choice?
« Reply #3 on: July 05, 2008, 02:03:15 pm »
Like all new ventures, you only get out what and how much you have put in, it can be a long hard slog,.. but in my opinion..go for it. ;)



  • Posts: 13
Re: Looking for own business, is cleaning a good choice?
« Reply #4 on: July 05, 2008, 05:57:04 pm »
Thank you everyone for the replies and advice which are very much appreciated. I guess I should tread carefully on this one. I will have to rethink my strategy somewhat. I do want to run my own business, and I will eventually achieve this goal, but I want to do it in a realistic manner, with some chance of success! Thank you again everyone for the food for thought.

Kind Regards,

Alan :)

Gerry Styles

  • Posts: 558
Re: Looking for own business, is cleaning a good choice?
« Reply #5 on: July 05, 2008, 10:36:32 pm »
There are a lot of people out there that think cleaning is an easy option and a good earner. Not the case. I have been in the cleaning industry for 14 years and it has been a long hard road. Why not consider setting up in the field you are experienced in?. Good luck in whatever you do.
Premier Klean Limited


  • Posts: 264
Re: Looking for own business, is cleaning a good choice?
« Reply #6 on: July 10, 2008, 02:36:40 pm »
I am an Electronics engineer Oil field Trash for 17 years worked night and day 11 months of the year 1  month off.

I have been in various forms of the cleaning industry for 15 years now, could not would not go back.

I work 7am to 5pm monday to friday no nights no evenings no weekends.

My staff work job and finish or max 8 till 5 monday to friday.

Work smarter not harder.
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