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Re: school cleaning
« Reply #20 on: October 30, 2003, 12:49:50 am »

Forum Admin

  • Posts: 3310
Re: school cleaning
« Reply #21 on: October 30, 2003, 11:18:32 am »
well if you would like to contact altros they will tell you that it will lose 30% so you need to get your facts right before you post rubbish, this is a cleaning forum

Mr Sheen

Unfortunately, some of your posts have already been removed. Please keep your posts on this forum professional should you wish to be taken seriously.

Forum Admin


Re: school cleaning
« Reply #22 on: October 30, 2003, 12:24:29 pm »
Forum Admin
sorry if mr carpenter dont like what i have to say, but altros do say that you lose 30%  and he wants to get his facts right before he gives out false info.
and for the other posts we are only having a laugh thats what forums are all about aint they?.

dont want to be a boring old f*rt .
we all need to smile some times dont you agree.

if he cant take the back lash then he should'nt give out false info. he needs to chillout sit back and give out simple and easy to understand info and not to technical.

Mr Sheen ???

Forum Admin

  • Posts: 3310
Re: school cleaning
« Reply #23 on: October 30, 2003, 12:59:08 pm »
only having a laugh thats what forums are all about aint they?.

Not this one - this is a professional forum for professional people! If you cant post without swearing and knocking others go elsewhere!

Otherwise, we look forward to your continuing contribution!


Re: school cleaning
« Reply #24 on: October 30, 2003, 01:11:49 pm »
If you cant post without swearing and knocking others go elsewhere!

i have not done any swearing and im only stating facts from the company that makes the flooring

sorry for having alaugh Iwill be boring from now on


Re: school cleaning
« Reply #25 on: October 30, 2003, 01:17:34 pm »
Forumn adminstrator
regrarding Mr sheens quote about the altro flooring, and it looseing 30% of its slip resistancy, this is a well know fact which Altro's themselves will tell you too, if you seal and polish one of their floors, may be Mr Sheens wording was not quite right, but if you notice Mr Carpenter does like to put people down too, but with loads of tech jargon.....when someone wants simple advice and other give it Mr C. just tries to make other look like fools


Re: school cleaning
« Reply #26 on: October 30, 2003, 01:22:02 pm »
thanx for your support Petra
cant see what ive done wrong, when you look at some of mr carpenters posts putting every one else down.
Mr Sheen ;)


  • Posts: 1069
Re: school cleaning
« Reply #27 on: October 30, 2003, 08:13:23 pm »
Mr Sheen,

We have been very lucky on this site to have some posters who are at the very top of our profession  (if I may call it that) SC being one of them, who have been able to give invaluable FREE advice to all sorts of different cleaners and to new starts.

For possibly the first time we have a forum where all cleaners can share information and even prices charged with out fear of any underhand tactics to obtain data.

This ranges from the NCCA to family businesses that have been around for many years indeed some carpet cleaners on here have been in business over 30 years.This amounts to knowledge that simply can not be obtained any where else in quick fashion.If you look at some of the posts you will see that we have been able to get cleaners out of some very tricky situations and possibly win some important business for others.

Even experienced operators, and I class myself in that catergory, have been able to obtain news and info on new products and machinery that otherwise we have had no idea about and tips on cleaning methods that have been of great importance too some.

We don't by any means always agree and sometimes this can lead to heated debate on the subject but never personal attacks of the nature which you carried out.If  you don't agree fine post this and move on, but don't enter or encourage others to post anything that one might  construe as abusive.

We look forward to seeing some positive input from yourself and hope that you enjoy your time on the board and entering into discusion on the wonderful world of cleaning ;)



Re: school cleaning
« Reply #28 on: October 30, 2003, 08:57:10 pm »
Well said woodman,
                              Its been long overdue a site like this and we do not want it spoilt by abusive posters.

Steve Lowe