I`ve just finished painting the outside of my place and just
Wondered what I could do and use to remove various paint
Spots and also what looks to be rust or iron mould marks on
The upvc window sills.Some have been on for about 5 years
Or more.I`ve used upvc cream cleaner to good effect for the
General inground dirt and grime but it would`nt even go near
To removing the paint and iron mould.2000 grade wet or dry
Sandpaper does remove it but it also removes the pristine shine
And polish that the frames have when new.Apart from the sills
The frames are like new with the cream cleaner.Just wondered
What anyone could recommend for the sills? There are also a few
Deepish scratch marks also some `blobs`of gloss and undercoat
That with a razor blade would easily ruin the sills.
All ideas advice and comments appreciated.
Lewis Doubtfire