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Re: How do you clean those ridiculous finials?
« Reply #20 on: April 30, 2008, 11:42:59 pm »
I think the conservatories manufacturers should put a weather cock on them cos they blow about like an old man climbing up a hill for a hovis advert !


  • Posts: 2056
Re: How do you clean those ridiculous finials?
« Reply #21 on: April 30, 2008, 11:45:58 pm »
you can hire conservatory ladders from HSS shops
£22 1st day
£11 add day
£27 wknd
£44 week
bargain i reckon ;)
jonah and nwh
this is the point iam making
if anyone wants to get on a con roof then good luck
me never ;D


Re: How do you clean those ridiculous finials?
« Reply #22 on: April 30, 2008, 11:53:10 pm »
Well he is over six feet tall , so I dont know why he is scared ot heights !


  • Posts: 1097
Re: How do you clean those ridiculous finials?
« Reply #23 on: May 01, 2008, 12:01:34 am »
In theory the a Con roof could easily take the weight (not that I'd be willing to try it mind) The main problem is the hazards you face once up there when cleaning. Greasy panel etc and once cleaning this becomes even more hazardous with water etc.

Each to their own but sorry mate I think one day you will become a cropper and to me it would look very unprofessional, a bit cowboy-ish if you like. I certainly wouldn't allow anybody to clean my roof in this manner.

'Success is buried in the garden of failure'


  • Posts: 2056
Re: How do you clean those ridiculous finials?
« Reply #24 on: May 01, 2008, 12:06:51 am »
l.j thorpe, why would you never get on a cons roof? have you fallen off in the past?
i have worked on viccy roof cons by standing on spars before
would not do it again
not that hard up for cash and con roof ladder costs peanuts to hire ;)
a conservatory is only as good as the bloke who put it up
i have never had a BAD fall
dont really want to shorten the odds at my age thanks

Re: How do you clean those ridiculous finials?
« Reply #25 on: May 01, 2008, 12:32:30 am »
Well, my question has been well and truly answered, guys. Thanks for that.

The answer is then to use a proper ladder and do the ridge cappings and those silly finials by hand, close up and personal. That makes perfect sense.

The other approach is to climb up onto the roof and walk on the spars. Personally, I wouldn't do that. Others may be more comfortable and confident on their abilities. I'm not - and that's OK.

I'm going to reserve a week toward the end of the month and try to get as many conservatory jobs as possible to make it worth while hiring a ladder so I can spread the cost - and hopefully have a really good paying week.

Cheers guys. Good thread.


Re: How do you clean those ridiculous finials?
« Reply #26 on: May 01, 2008, 07:17:32 am »
Technically, in the building regs all roofs have to be safe to walk on but I don't think I could make the leap of confidence required to actually do it.


  • Posts: 563
Re: How do you clean those ridiculous finials?
« Reply #27 on: May 01, 2008, 10:07:50 am »

I agree with easy clean about the strength of the roofs and i have walked on many in the past.

The only problem i found was the more you do the more blasse you become and this brought me to a painful and embarrassing end.

The roofs become very slippy and as i turned i lost my footing ended up in a heap on the patio slabs.

Battered, bruised and annoyed with myself the worst thing was i had to climb back up again to finish the roof

Lucky the client wasn't at home to witness this " professioal" making a fool of himself

After that i only ever wfp with tfr

Don't Give Up

Re: How do you clean those ridiculous finials?
« Reply #28 on: May 01, 2008, 11:22:12 am »
"Lucky the client wasn't at home to witness this "professional" making a fool of himself"

Lucky to have landed so you only battered, bruised and became annoyed with yourself. Landed head first and the customer would have come home and found you dead in a large pool of blood.

You've learned your own lesson - well done. And I've learned from it too.

I've decided to forget even the conservatory ladder. If I can't do it from the ground with wfp and a step ladder (and maybe an extension pole) by hand where I don't have to reach out, I won't do it.

Cleaner Windows

  • Posts: 757
Re: How do you clean those ridiculous finials?
« Reply #29 on: May 01, 2008, 05:12:53 pm »
I'm now going to rename you "wally the wiser window washer"  ;D
when I'm cleaning windows