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eddie d

fed up
« on: March 17, 2008, 09:51:14 am »
i know this is a bit wimpish but
have any of you given up on growing your buisness and gone back to a one man band.

after years of trying to make a profit out of workers or subbys im on the verge of going back to working alone.

totally fed up with people ,and have become quite stressed and pesimistic .ive always been more than fair with people only to find i get the bad end of the stick.mmmm
the final push has been having to register for vat .what with having to increase charges ,and the exctra paper work .i dont think i cxan be bothered .

Nathanael Jones

  • Posts: 5596
Re: fed up
« Reply #1 on: March 17, 2008, 10:03:51 am »
Honestly,... I earn more money alone,.. with less stress and hassle.
If you have the right kind of work for employing ppl, then it can work out,.. but it all depends how your work is structured.


Re: fed up
« Reply #2 on: March 17, 2008, 12:16:38 pm »
i know this is a bit wimpish but
have any of you given up on growing your buisness and gone back to a one man band.

It's not wimpish and it is Monday and we all get like that from time to time ;)

after years of trying to make a profit out of workers or subbys im on the verge of going back to working alone.

What sort of profit are you looking to make out of staff etc?Perhaps you need to re-access how you work?

totally fed up with people ,and have become quite stressed and pesimistic

Two words that come first in any employers dictionary ;D ;D

.ive always been more than fair with people only to find i get the bad end of the stick.mmmm

It's hard, but get tough, don't be so'll still get the rough end of things!

the final push has been having to register for vat .what with having to increase charges ,and the exctra paper work .i dont think i cxan be bothered .

Full vat can be a pain with paperwork, but flat rate is minimal on the paperwork side
Increasing prices is always grey area, sorry really can't help you there


Chin up lovey, It's Tuesday tomorrow, then Wednesday, then Thursday, then 4 days off........ Have a long weekend and go back to work on Tuesday with loads of enthusiam ;D

D woods

Re: fed up
« Reply #3 on: March 17, 2008, 12:25:57 pm »
Hi Eddie
Employing staff is a pain, but it is the only way to move your business forward.
The trick is to make sure you employ the right staff in the first place.


  • Posts: 426
Re: fed up
« Reply #4 on: March 17, 2008, 02:10:27 pm »
You have just registered for VAT?  So your income is what, about 40k a year?  Be thankful, lots of us earn half that and are still stressed and pessamistic even as one-man bands.

I would suggest perhaps get in touch with a youth training scheme of some sort.  Cheap labour, yes, but you can always give incentives and it is easy to swap to another kid.

Just my 2c

eddie d

Re: fed up
« Reply #5 on: March 17, 2008, 02:38:37 pm »
thanks guys really

Paul Coleman

Re: fed up
« Reply #6 on: March 17, 2008, 07:11:02 pm »
i know this is a bit wimpish but
have any of you given up on growing your buisness and gone back to a one man band.

after years of trying to make a profit out of workers or subbys im on the verge of going back to working alone.

totally fed up with people ,and have become quite stressed and pesimistic .ive always been more than fair with people only to find i get the bad end of the stick.mmmm
the final push has been having to register for vat .what with having to increase charges ,and the exctra paper work .i dont think i cxan be bothered .

I've never employed anyone myself.  I have teamed up with another window cleaner for the occasional large job (before WFP) and one of us had to be the contractor and the other one the subbie for accounts purposes, but in reality, we just split the money down the middle.  Not sure I would want the stress of employing.


  • Posts: 25133
Re: fed up
« Reply #7 on: March 17, 2008, 07:25:24 pm »
i know this is a bit wimpish but
have any of you given up on growing your buisness and gone back to a one man band.

after years of trying to make a profit out of workers or subbys im on the verge of going back to working alone.

totally fed up with people ,and have become quite stressed and pesimistic .ive always been more than fair with people only to find i get the bad end of the stick.mmmm
the final push has been having to register for vat .what with having to increase charges ,and the exctra paper work .i dont think i cxan be bothered .

I've never employed anyone myself.  I have teamed up with another window cleaner for the occasional large job (before WFP) and one of us had to be the contractor and the other one the subbie for accounts purposes, but in reality, we just split the money down the middle.  Not sure I would want the stress of employing.

Same as Shiner!
It's a game of three halves!

Wayne Thomas

Re: fed up
« Reply #8 on: March 17, 2008, 07:35:11 pm »
Eddie, you have to ask yourself is it worth it, financially and personally. It has it's rewards but it can also be a burden. Only you can answer the questions you need to ask yourself. Whatever you decide, so long as you are happy with the outcome, that's all that matters.

Re: fed up
« Reply #9 on: March 17, 2008, 07:40:07 pm »
always seems to happen at this time of year you wait till the sun is shining and your earning real good money if you feel the same then, it is time to find a different way to earn money, myself I love getting cold wet and moaned at  ;D

m b shaw

  • Posts: 101
Re: fed up
« Reply #10 on: March 17, 2008, 07:41:39 pm »
hi eddie,i used to employ 4 or 5 at one time when i first started i thought this is the way to go,i get the work drive the lads to work, everythings fine and for a while it was.then i m promising jobs will be done and some lazy sod rings in saying i don t feel very well and i look like a prat telling people sorry we can t get there was nt like it was a bad job either i paid more than anyone else and it was job and knock so they were gone at 2 most days.when someone left, me and my son made the decision not to replace them and now it s just us 2 now,best thing we ever i m not saying it s best for you or anyone else,if you want to be big you must employ people,but for quality of life at work it s worth considering working alone,no stress,no one else to worry about just go with the flow,i know what suits me.  cheers mick


  • Posts: 16952
Re: fed up
« Reply #11 on: March 17, 2008, 08:36:09 pm »
hi eddie,i used to employ 4 or 5 at one time when i first started i thought this is the way to go,i get the work drive the lads to work, everythings fine and for a while it was.then i m promising jobs will be done and some lazy sod rings in saying i don t feel very well and i look like a prat telling people sorry we can t get there was nt like it was a bad job either i paid more than anyone else and it was job and knock so they were gone at 2 most days.when someone left, me and my son made the decision not to replace them and now it s just us 2 now,best thing we ever i m not saying it s best for you or anyone else,if you want to be big you must employ people,but for quality of life at work it s worth considering working alone,no stress,no one else to worry about just go with the flow,i know what suits me.  cheers mick
Good advice there and in reading it you can see that view is from experience,i used to employ 2 before WFP and will consider it again in the future.As said the key is to have good staff and only past experience from employing will help you choose future staff,who ever it is you take on make sure they have bills to pay week in week out that way your more likely to get someone reliable.If you want to earn more than you can on your own with a couple of staff you have to really turn over the work,wages,holiday,sick pay all mounts up and it needs to be thought through.

m b shaw

  • Posts: 101
Re: fed up
« Reply #12 on: March 17, 2008, 09:23:40 pm »
just been thinking about my last post and to be honest things have changed a bit since i last employed really could nt get anyone decent for very long,don t forget no wfp etc just ladders scrim squeegee. nowadays its a lot more acceptable to be just a w/ can probably get good people to work for you now with wfp,no climbing,uniforms,sighned vans ll still have the age old problem of the better the staff the more they ll think why should i be earning money for him instead of for me.i think i ll stick as i am.for one crazy moment then i was going to advertise for some staff.  cheers mick

brett walker

  • Posts: 1943
Re: fed up
« Reply #13 on: March 17, 2008, 09:37:54 pm »
I employed lads for 15yrs and had nothing but stress and hassel and excuses , 2 yrs ago when i changed to wfp i decided to be a one man band and i have never been happier.
I can start and finish what time i like and earn more money ive got the ideal wfp round and picked all my best work 8)

The way my business is going i would not rule out employing again but it would have to be the right person but im in no rush you cant beat getting paid for a job you like doing ;)

If you are fed up with things as they are make the changes, sometimes you can help employees but they just dont want to be helped but remember good staff are hard to come by so look after them


eddie d

Re: fed up
« Reply #14 on: March 17, 2008, 10:01:29 pm »
thankyou all for your replys .
very much
refreshing and helpfull.