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2 jobs through
« on: March 12, 2008, 04:30:13 pm »

Got two jobs through yell this week, which is nice, especially seeing I don't advertise with them.

Had a call from a Salesperson couple of weeks ago although it could have been yellow pages. Anyway I said no thanks.

Just been searching and I'm definately not on there, is this a sales tack where they put you on briefly then call you to ask if any busines?

And the jobs are kosher, done and paid.


  • Posts: 161
Re: 2 jobs through
« Reply #1 on: March 12, 2008, 04:41:28 pm »
that is strange, are you sure the person didn't just say but it was actually thomsons or ask jeeves or something similar? People always say they saw us in YP when i've had a voiceover from Thomsons telling me thats where they've called from  ::) people are stupid!
Otherwise - do you not have a free listing? definately get one on there asap!

Incidentally - we get loads through, I know not everyone does but it could be worth trying it out??

Re: 2 jobs through
« Reply #2 on: March 12, 2008, 04:46:50 pm »
I did ask again I thought it may be jsut google but they both insisted yell.

I had a mad signing up spree on directories and it's all a bit fuzzy now, but there's nothing I can find relating to Yell and when I search not a dickie bird.


  • Posts: 161
Re: 2 jobs through
« Reply #3 on: March 12, 2008, 05:08:35 pm »
No idea then...

have you tried searching company name rather than area? I am presuming that what you have is some sort of free listing (i.e. a one - liner with no link or anything, just name addy and phone no)

If you do find out... would be intrigued to know!

p.s. get a free listing if you don't already have it!!!

Re: 2 jobs through
« Reply #4 on: March 12, 2008, 05:13:11 pm »
I do not advertise in directories anymore but often get jobs through old books or remnants of details on  ::)
Takes a while for your details to fade away or be replaced .......... enjoy the free business  ;)