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Karl Wildey

  • Posts: 781
urine on leather settee
« on: March 10, 2008, 08:31:14 pm »
client has a leather settee that a cat pee on. She has cleaned it herself and it is fine, but smelly.
any products designed to remove smells from leather,
it does not need cleaning

Roger Koh

  • Posts: 374
Re: How to Deodorize Urea Odor from Leather
« Reply #1 on: March 11, 2008, 04:15:20 am »
Fresh urine typically has little odor.

The offensive urine smell begins once it starts to decay with bacteria activities that feast on the organic compound stain and release ammonia gas.
The second stage releases mercaptan, a foul-smelling organic compound.

Urine begins as an acid but the remaining phosphor salts are alkaline.

This alkalinity may strip the acid dyes & colors causing discoloration to the leather.

On finished leather the salt resurfaces as white circular marks, especially noticeable on darker leathers.

Decontamination procedures are prescribed as follows:
Step 1
These alkali and ammonia salt should first be neutralized with urea2.1™
urea2.1™ is a pH 2.1 aqueous acidic spotting agent that contains a choice ingredient for urine stain on all leathers, including nubuck or suede. Developed to neutralize the ammonia and alkali phosphorus salt found in urine as the first phase.

Step 2
A bio-enzymatic digester bioEnz4.7™ helps break down the compound stain as the second phase.

Step 3
Then follows with protein11.0™ to remove the remaining residue as the third phase.

Step 4
Complete neutralize with acidifier2.0™ to balance to leather neutral pH of 3 – 5. 

Step 5
Clean with cleaner3.8™ of all residues.

Step 6
Follows with acidifier rinse, rinse3.0™.

Step 7
Replenish original oil lost with fatliquor5.0™, a spray version of the tannery fatliquoring process.
Otherwise this area becomes stiff and will eventually crack.

Step 8
Treat with anti-microbial mold3.6™ to control microbial activities.

Step 9
Restore the unforgettable classic leather scent with leatherScent™ B (buttery), D (draggy), S (silky) or W (waxy).

When customers are not prepared to accept all these steps, I wouldn't touch it (It becomes a trap!).

The alkalinity and bacteria activities are working towards denaturing the leather, which will eventually rot the leather.
The smell is merely the smoke screen.
The alkalinity and bacteria activities are the main culprits.

Leather Safe is leather cleaning products that has a pH value of 3 - 5.
Developed to work in harmony with the healthy pH value of leather.

Questions are welcome!

Roger Koh
Leather Doctor® System

LTT Leathercare

  • Posts: 886
Re: urine on leather settee
« Reply #2 on: March 11, 2008, 08:27:23 am »
This can be a problem.

We have a product called Em Clean which is an enzyme cleaner and is safe to use on leather (tested) and will help with the breakdown of the odour.  Sometimes the problem is because the urine has soaked into the innards of the furniture and the foams etc. have become soaked.  If this is the case then they will need to be replaced to fully eradicate the problem.
Em Clean can be used on fabrics too so if you can get to the insides then it would be a good idea to spray these too.

Call me if you want to discuss further.

Leather Consultant to the Furniture and Cleaning Industry
Leather Cleaning, Care and Restoration products and services

edward coller

  • Posts: 393
Re: urine on leather settee
« Reply #3 on: March 11, 2008, 12:43:38 pm »
Had a similer problem tried urine off ammonia and other deodorisers  in the end took cushion out and hung cover outside for arou8nd 36 hrs being aware of rain and it was fine, then shot the cat...Simon


Re: urine on leather settee
« Reply #4 on: March 11, 2008, 04:48:43 pm »
This can be a problem.

We have a product called Em Clean which is an enzyme cleaner and is safe to use on leather (tested) and will help with the breakdown of the odour.  Sometimes the problem is because the urine has soaked into the innards of the furniture and the foams etc. have become soaked.  If this is the case then they will need to be replaced to fully eradicate the problem.
Em Clean can be used on fabrics too so if you can get to the insides then it would be a good idea to spray these too.

Call me if you want to discuss further.


Not necessarily the bottom could be taken off and sprayed with odour neutraliser(nemesis) then enclosed in black bags left overnight usually works if not second application required.Did a wing back chair (fabric) where cat had urinated and it went through to the floor customer delighted as chair was of sentimental value

LTT Leathercare

  • Posts: 886
Re: urine on leather settee
« Reply #5 on: March 11, 2008, 08:41:07 pm »
Sorry Steve I wrote this in a hurry this morning as I had meetings all day.  It should have read 'cleaned or replaced to fully eradicate the problem'  fingers were typing too fast!!!!
Leather Consultant to the Furniture and Cleaning Industry
Leather Cleaning, Care and Restoration products and services