When I was landscaping we used to do a lot of commercial work, laying lawns for those who'd bought a house on building sites. Anyway, invariably whenever the new person moved in the lawn was buggered after all the trades had stomped there way across it (sparkies, roofers, chippys etc) so we'd have to go back, lift the old lawn and replace it to keep the punters satisfied.
I sent a guy down to start lifting this lawn once, i was to follow in another vehicle once we'd loaded up with plants and the boss was also meant to turn up on site, meeting with site-agent or something.
So an hour or so after the first guy turns up, I turned up. He'd spaded off this lawn, bloody hard work, in front of this house. I took a lookie at the plot number on the front of the house. He'd spaded the wrong houses lawn off. Plot numbers and house numbers NEVER coincide. He was told to lift the lawn on PLOT 7 but had lifted the lawn on house NUMBER 7
Oh how I laughed. The boss didnt when he turned up. The bloke that did it by mistake felt such a twat for the rest of the day, did I say I laughed, well if I didnt, I sure did