There has been a few threads lately about people losing work (as we all do from time to time) and getting a bit disheartened by it so I thought I would share my experiences on how I deal with it.
Firstly there are several reasons why customers drop you namely
bad workmanship (which I’m sure is very rare in most cases)
and the worst one, death
if I lose a job say it’s a £10 one I then take the mental attitude that by the end of the week I will get 2 more to replace it @ £10 jobs therefore being £10 up , using this system I have never failed to reach my goal.
Today for example and old lady who lives in a small terrace house (1 top and 1 bottom window) only a £5 job apologised to me saying that as her rent and the cost of living has gone up but not her pension she can no longer afford me. I will miss her and the coffee, infact next month I may even do her a freebee as I do like the sweet old dear.
So, not being the kind of guy to be disheartened I finished early enough in that area to do some more canvassing (rather than move on to my next area or go home as I would normally)
After a bit of door knocking I came away with 7 more jobs so as I was now in the mood when I got home I went out between 4.30 – 5.15pm and canvassed another £54 worth of work for my son’s round.
So guys don’t be put off by a cancellation, don’t take it personally, be positive, do more door knocking and see the results.