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what would be my best set up

trolly system
9 (13.4%)
5 (7.5%)
van mount
42 (62.7%)
trad cleaning
11 (16.4%)

Total Members Voted: 66

Sir Squeaky

  • Posts: 8341
Re: best way forward
« Reply #60 on: February 18, 2008, 08:00:06 pm »

its not a goog idea to arrive at the work and squirt some water over them, take the money and hope they understand that for a few cleans they will not be 100 % , hope that he doesnt lose loads of work

Who said anything about squirting water over them and hoping for the best? I'm talking about cleaning the windows properly with wfp, I never tell the customers that they may not be perfect for the first few cleans! that is asking for trouble! I always give them an extra scrub and rinse on first cleans and I never get any problems with them, and I don't get people cancelling due to wfp, I think I had one old dear cancel because she didn't like her path getting wet! Don't try to scare this poor guy into thinking that if he uses wfp he will have a mass exodus of customers! because if he cleans them properly it won't happen.  (whats goog?)  ;D
I cleaned them excellently and lost dozens.
Some areas none, some areas lots.

So actually Matt is just telling him like it is and not hyping it up to be magic.

He may lose 2, he may lose 40.
You don't know his customers, only your own.


Re: best way forward
« Reply #61 on: February 18, 2008, 08:08:00 pm »
I know that I've only lost one customer due to wfp, and gained over 100! And the one I lost would have been dumped anyway, a right pain in the arse!! Anyway I'm not going to give out anymore advice on here from now on as I only get attacked for telling it as I see it, and I'm not going to become one of the sheep!  >:(

Good Bye   :(


  • Posts: 25134
Re: best way forward
« Reply #62 on: February 18, 2008, 08:20:02 pm »
Ok observations from Malc Gold who three years ago went from trad to trolley, then added a backpack, then a 125L tank in his estate, then a 175L tank in his estate and then in Nov 2006 bit the bullet, leased a new doblo and put in a 400l tank.

In hindsight I should have gone for a van right away. I was working on a shoestring and unreliable cars forced my hand. If you can get credit then get a new van.

What I did right I got from this forum and it is the most important bit of advice I can offer:-

When you change from trad to wfp you must communicate that to your customers before you do it. In writing - twice. Once that it's happening and then again the first time you clean them.

When you do your last trad clean give them a letter explaining why you must change over. Dwell on health and safety, how they may be liable if your insurer will not pay out because you are using unapproved methods and you have an accident etc. Tell them how the windows will be left wet to dry to a clear finish, tell them the upvc will be cleaned. Do not back down on this. Dwell on the positive and warn of possible consequences - we all "know" what insurers are like! DO NOT be apologetic!

Switch over your round an area at a time. So that over about 3 months all areas will be changed.

I lost five custy's out of 220 - three were unavoidable (old georgian original leaky frames) two were because I was complacent and didn't do the above.

My average earnings per day are about half to two-thirds as much again what they were when trad.
It's a game of three halves!


  • Posts: 25134
Re: best way forward
« Reply #63 on: February 18, 2008, 08:33:34 pm »
Note re: Squeaky.

I honestly believe Squeaky lost so many because he wasn't convinced himself that wfp would do a better job.

You still aren't really are you Roger?
It's a game of three halves!


  • Posts: 20
Re: best way forward
« Reply #64 on: February 19, 2008, 09:30:32 am »
well i did my first day yesterday using a trolly that ive borrowed from a cleaner whos helping me out . i must say i was impressed at the results i did find it to take some time on each house but its new to me so after time i should speed up . i managed to do 12 houses which minght not be a lot but its a start , out of the 12 i only had 3 customers question me as to why i hadnt dryed them after i explained they were all more than happy to give me a chance . thanks for the advice youve been giving im off to do some more now  :)
i try my best then a little more

Sir Squeaky

  • Posts: 8341
Re: best way forward
« Reply #65 on: February 19, 2008, 09:42:55 am »
Note re: Squeaky.

I honestly believe Squeaky lost so many because he wasn't convinced himself that wfp would do a better job.

You still aren't really are you Roger?
I think it does a fine job Malc.

Takes a few cleans to trust it though, and by then some have deserted.


  • Posts: 122
Re: best way forward
« Reply #66 on: February 19, 2008, 06:01:00 pm »
Why don't you do upstairs with backpack and down trad. That way you won't spend much to start and you'll get some practise trad.

For my opinion too many rely on water fed pole for everything.

Good window cleaner should be skiled in all tools of trade. Sometimes a normal trad extension pole is even quicker than wfp. The more you spend to get kit the longer you'll have to be working to make it pay for itself.
I went DI and backpack to start wfp and grew as the business grows. Unless you got loads of cash to spend.


Re: best way forward
« Reply #67 on: February 19, 2008, 07:46:10 pm »
Why don't you do upstairs with backpack and down trad. That way you won't spend much to start and you'll get some practise trad.

For my opinion too many rely on water fed pole for everything.

Good window cleaner should be skiled in all tools of trade. Sometimes a normal trad extension pole is even quicker than wfp. The more you spend to get kit the longer you'll have to be working to make it pay for itself.
I went DI and backpack to start wfp and grew as the business grows. Unless you got loads of cash to spend.


i would get a cheap RO / DI though, 80 quid from RO-MAN for a 50 GPD unit ( must be cheaper than just DI )