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carpet guy

« Reply #40 on: January 19, 2008, 11:35:33 pm »
I know Alltec's are parallel and  so I believe are Cross American, Ninja is inline, not sure about the others

Ian Gourlay

  • Posts: 5748
« Reply #41 on: January 20, 2008, 09:23:02 am »
So Prochem

Must admit Ashbys sold me on Serial but Alltec convinced me om parrell

Personally I do not think there is much diffrence

I go by how much water you puy in and how much you take out.

On Cleantalk the other day I think John Bolton said the extra motor only made a little diffrence it was the two inch pipe that made a diffrence to how dry the carpet is.

Is it woth spending $00 to convert a machine to a two inch pipe

Just thouht is the Rotavac designed for two inch hoses

Jeff Lydon/Greenie

  • Posts: 61
« Reply #42 on: January 21, 2008, 09:49:22 pm »
To be perfectly honest, I don't think you "feel" all that much difference either on 50' of 1.5" hose, but when you open up the bottle neck, all of a sudden the unit with 200 cfm is a step above the unit with 100 cfm, so the 2" "barb" and 2" hose becomes more than just a little detail.

I did an experiment on my sons auto detail single vac extractor, as goofy as it sounds it made an improvement, not worth noting on 15' of hose, but with the 2" connection he could run 65' of hose and still had really good vacuum. Prior to this for comparison we set up 50' of 1.5" hose and it was a significant difference.


  • Posts: 1179
« Reply #43 on: January 21, 2008, 11:33:22 pm »

What would you recommend i do to a Prochem Cub XL to get the best from it?


Jeff Lydon/Greenie

  • Posts: 61
« Reply #44 on: January 22, 2008, 03:35:06 am »
Richie, I can give you a quick list, but do yourself a favor and do a little reading on the TruckMounters Forum, there is several hours of machine and tool enhancements and it's tailored to guys running TM units.

First off, make sure the unit is running max. revs for the engine according to engine Mfg.

Set your vacuum relief spring to the blower Mfgs. Maximum setting (ie 15"hg) this is just tightening the spring off the blower inlet

If your blower has a 2.5" port (intake and exhaust) make sure you preserve that diameter of pipe as far as possible down the line, only reduce to 2" when near the wand (last 25-50') and use a 2" wand if you have the budget for it, Prochem makes good wands.

You will likely need to change out the waste tank fitting to support some 2.5" hose, and source some flexible 2.5" hose (HydraMaster stocks it). (pic below)

After optimizing the vacuum system, then you can focus on your solution, what is the total flow of your wand jets?
All things being equal and assuming you've got a properly fitted glide already, you will have net drier carpets if you flow more solution, so you are likely in for a wand jet size increase.

Bump up your flow at least to the next level. ie: if you have a 2 jet wand and the numbers read 9502 on each, you want 9503 on your new jets, and possibly 9504 if your heat will keep up (which it may not). We'll deal with heat later, let's get your flow dialed in first, water cleans so lets use some.
Even if your Temp. gauge shows a 40ºf drop with the higher flow, you will have hotter solution At the carpet, there is more energy being communicated in the process of the high flow rinsing. You will only go from maybe 3 liters per min, to about 4 liters, but it will clean better and you will have less need to make a 3rd cleaning pass or a 4th for that matter, this will also result in a labor savings.

Next is either getting a better wand, or a Post heater, cause if you have real high heat you will also clean faster assuming the volume is there (flow) and real heat will dry faster and make greasy jobs childs play, so more on heat later....start with the low cost upgrades first.


« Reply #45 on: January 22, 2008, 08:49:17 am »
Curious about the bigger jets, has anyone tried this, what difference did you notice? faster cleaning ? better cleaning?

At 375psi i reckon it goes down pretty fast now! (02 jets)