While I was away on holiday some lowlife burgled my home and stole nearly everything that I own.
Now apart from having no insurance because the insurance company had cancelled the policy 6 weeks earlier I thought nothing more could go wrong but life is not that easy.
The lowlife who burgled me also took my computer and because I use the George Window Cleaning Software he also took all customers, now I did make a floppy backup disk in case the computer ever got ill, but that was also stolen.
So now it looked like I had lost my livelihood as well, but luck had't quite left me and I had some old job sheets still in the van and I was able to piece together 75% of my customers.
So I would recommend that if anyone kepts their customers records on their computer please do what I do now,and kept a written record as well and leave it in a secure place, like a friends or relatives house.