Hi Ladderman,
This flooring is called "Speedliner" it is a waterproof plastic type coating that is sprayed onto the floor and the walls of the van's inside.
Its not
absolutely necessary, I mean the machine will of course work without it, but I'd strongly advise getting it. The pure water will get on the floor of your van, and any tiny scratches in the paintwork will cause rust spots very quickly. Especially if your van is leased is it necessary to take stuff like this into account, but even if not, the drop in the re-sale value can be considerable. Most pole manufacturers recommend it, including Tucker and Omnipole, and I'd have to agree with them.
Even if you're very careful, you'd be amazed how much water ends up on the floor. Unplug the poles and pop them in the van and guess what... the water runs out of the tubes and there's a nice puddle on the floor everytime, without fail.
Speedliner application is available from plenty of places, you may be able to get a better deal on it from elsewhere, the dealers are located on