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Joe H

Re: Chineese Rug
« Reply #20 on: July 12, 2008, 04:37:40 pm »
I did ask did he know what it was but nothing positive came forth.
I did inform him that a he didnt know what it was it might be difficult to remove.
I then told him I advertise "stain treatment" not stain removal as not all stains can be removed.
He accepted that, and said he wouldnt worry too much if they did not come out - "try your best"

Neil 47
I have been honest with him - here is my quote from last night!

neil 47

  • Posts: 1345
Re: Chineese Rug
« Reply #21 on: July 12, 2008, 06:00:48 pm »
Joe thats fair enough ,

I just didnt think a rug of that sort was worth wasting time on as you can get large rugs from trago for £30.

But if they want to pay thats up to them .



  • Posts: 14
Re: Chineese Rug
« Reply #22 on: August 06, 2008, 11:00:37 pm »
Neil theres copies of these rugs that you can get a lot cheaper now from Belgium and India that claim to be  top quality Chinese rugs .. and if this cusotmer bought this rug in the 80s he would of payed a pretty penny for it and would a appreciate the fact youll try to restore the glory back into his prize collection of rugs and maybe he will have the other 5 rugs cleaned after seeing how this rug came up .. I wouldnt tell him to throw it away and get a cheap copy to replace it thats for sure.

Ive came across marks(stains) like that before , it looks to me the customer may have cleaned it by scrubbing it with some sticky shampoo that has wicked up to the tips of the fiber over time. Joe You seemed of said the right thing there its a shame you didnt stick up a pic of the finish rug.

Joe H

Re: Chineese Rug
« Reply #23 on: August 07, 2008, 08:44:46 am »
Sorry I didnt take a phot Kane.
The rug itself came up clean, the marks lightened a bit but did not disappear, and for what h was being charged/willing to pay I was not going to do any heroics.

He was happy though, paid up for those two I did, and let me loose on a 12'x9' which is a beast to handle as it is thick (more wheatabix at breakfast needed!), if I was to saturate it I would never move it - takes me and next door neighbour to move it when dry.
Then two more to come after this.

First time I have taken rigs away and I only have a drive way to do them on. British summer is spoiling my plans - cant rely on a good day so I can clean and dry at one go.