If you are on a meter...
As you can probably read, our water bills are calculated with a sewage/foul water treatment charge too.
Some of you may ask, "How do they know what water is coming out of my tap for me to drink, and how much is flushed down the loo?" Easy, they calculate your total water usage and then charge you again another 90% of that for poo treatment!
However, if you filter your water and send your waste water out into the garden or a soakaway, (which will only be a minority of us), you can get a water miser meter from your water company, attach it to your outside tap and it will measure the amount you are not sending down the pipes for re-treatment, thus giving you a discount, because you can prove that amount was totally wasted and didn't need re-treating.
Now does that really make any sense?
It's true though. meter all the water you waste back into the ground rather than into a drain and you get a lower charge.
Only if your water is metered though.
Crazy world!