As most of our staff are part time and get contracts for say, 10 hrs per week or 16 hrs, I calculate mine as follows. This can help when working out half way through a holiday year for leavers, new starters etc.
(No. of basic hrs) x (No. of weeks) x (0.077)
Therefore a 10 hr per week person, 2 per day mon to fri, leaving after 6 months would be.
(10) x (26) x (0.077) = 20 hrs or two weeks.
This is on the 20 days per year and just needs adjusting.
For 24 days per ie. to march 09 multiply by (0.092) and for 28 days, (0.108).
The same person under the 28 day scheme should have 14 days in 26 weeks.
(10) x (26) x (0.108) = 28hrs, 14 days.
Hope this is of use.