Geoff speaks not with forked tongue.
Most wands incorporate combined anti-drip valves/filters. normally located just behind the Vee-jet. These are spring-loaded ball valves which create a seal at the low pressures caused by the weight of the water in the piping from the trigger-valve, but open at the greater pressure delivered when the trigger valve is opened.
If the wand is left (vertical), with pump running for several minutes, and the water that drips from the jets is more that the total amount that can be contained in the pipe from the trigger valve, then the trigger valve is the culprit. if after a few minutes the dripping ceases then the trigger valve is OK. and anti-drip valves are the cure.
My previous post concentrated on the trigger valve since I had the impression that the dripping was constant. I have fitted new t/Valves that were faulty.