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Davie T

  • Posts: 566
Incentive ideas for employees ?
« on: June 29, 2007, 01:45:19 pm »
I recall fairly recently reading a post re incentive ideas for employees to ensure that they are working to full potential for the employer and equally earning more for themselves thru a planned renumeration deal.
Has anyone any input for this topic and can they provide a link to the topic?
 ( It might well have been on another forum!)

Gordon Saunders

  • Posts: 174
Re: Incentive ideas for employees ?
« Reply #1 on: June 29, 2007, 09:59:35 pm »
 i find a good wage is as good an incentive as any.


  • Posts: 314
Re: Incentive ideas for employees ?
« Reply #2 on: June 30, 2007, 06:13:41 pm »
Davey - We have one where an employee gets an extra £15.00 for doing 40 hours or more.
Or set a limit per day and anything extra they get a bonus the following week if you have had no complaints from customers.
Cheers Robbie.
Looking into giving a percentage of our business each year but have not worked it all out yet. (e.g They get 1% of the company each year for 5 years. We all take a wage/ less costs etc then whats left is split so they can earn 5% after 5 years so if you are turning over 100k they get a good bonus and encourages them to grow the business with you.


  • Posts: 394
Re: Incentive ideas for employees ?
« Reply #3 on: July 01, 2007, 01:48:49 pm »
I have a sort of side interest in economy,  and this is a subject that gets a lot of coverage in it.

What you must NOT do is reward the wrong sort of behavior.  So for instance if you give them a bonus on how many houses they do you might find that they lean more to quantity than quality.  I have often wondered if tales of "I had a bill for my windows to be cleaned but they never did them!"  stem from these types of bonus's.

My own personal favorite is the costco bonus.  The guy who founded it is a bit of a genius anyway but his bonus structure is gob smackingly simple. 

What he does is increase the wages after a 90 day probationary period then every 800 hours worked until they reach a ceiling.  This means he can be picky about who he employs as generally they tend to stick around.  He can demand a lot of his staff due to the fact that even a shelf filler is actually a career with wage increases rather than a job.

Think back to some of the jobs you have done, how many of them would you still be doing if you had the incentive to get up and work towards your next pay increase, and the one after that, and so on.
You cannot plough a field by turning it over in your mind.

Davie T

  • Posts: 566
Re: Incentive ideas for employees ?
« Reply #4 on: July 01, 2007, 02:53:38 pm »
Thanks for your replies    Any more?


Re: Incentive ideas for employees ? New
« Reply #5 on: July 01, 2007, 03:16:31 pm »
There's more to motivating staff than just dishing out dosh; but I'm not saying that pay isn't important also; but this is a massive subject.

I'd suggest you do some Googling for 'staff motivational books'; it's not all American buzz words either.

Or have a Google for Abraham Maslow (Maslow's Theory) and his 'bumf' on the heirachy of needs; that might be a good starting point.

'Man management' was always my forte when I was in a previous occupation; and a bit of theory never hurts; though I think you've either got it, or you haven't!