Nowhere can I see anyone jesting. As far as I can see you've been given constructive advice from a few different sources, all of which are valid.
Perhaps you need to ask why you're blaming the world for you losing your licence, maybe you should be looking closer to home. If you've taken that big step of going self-employed, you've just got to deal with whatever comes along. Period.
My final piece of constructive advice is:-
If, in your present predicament, you can't get round your complete run, why not take on a worker with a driver's licence to help you through the farthest flung areas, and then concentrate on the work closest to your base all by yourself? This way, you'll get through the work faster and you can canvass for more work during your free-ed up time. Very soon you'll have enough to make the other guy full-time.
That'll be a fiver, thanks!
Be a pleasant fellow and amend your previous post to include the word "mickey" instead.
Leaded windows?? Help!
« Reply #5 on: 26.09.2004 at 09:39:51 »
My round is growing every day and I have a chap coming to work with me for two days next week to see how it goes.... I guess it will slow me down a bit initially but hopefully he will come up to speed fairly quickly!
Ooops, 'scuse me - great minds, etc.