I have Lino in my kitchin which is absolutely filthy. It has lost its shine and staines just stay on it.
As some of you know I have just started work as a school cleaner. I had the chap from the council last Tuesday showing me what to do and what more to use. Now, he said I was to discontinue what we normally use for scrubbing the floor as they use something else now. So tonight I asked if I could take it home, no problem I was told.
So I have tried a test patch of the Stripper and Eternum and its excellent It has brought the floor up better in a few mins that I ever did with my steam cleaner.
The problem I have is he said on lino i shouldnt mop it as the shine goes and water and wax dont mix. As its in the kitchen and a very high traffic area what do I use when the floor gets dirty to clean it. We have whats called "maintainer" Should I use that? Or what
Now I have a clean floor I want to keep it that way and dont want to end up scrubbing it again.
Your help, as always is appreciated