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  • Posts: 563
HRI vs Greenglides
« on: April 13, 2007, 04:36:19 pm »
Has everyone seen the battle thats going on in the states at the moment, HRI (chemdry) are suing Greenglides for patent infringment and using some real bullyboy tactics, looks like the crux of it is not that HRI want to sell glides themsleves but stop them being developed altogether so that Chemdry still have the "Dry" angle when marketting, obviously glides have accelerated drying times on HWE making chemdry less unique.  Its all overr the US boards, not sure if i can post a link.



Re: HRI vs Greenglides
« Reply #1 on: April 13, 2007, 05:16:53 pm »
Since when did C/D offer dry cleaning of carpets or furniture, considering the cleaning metheds they've used, they are no drier than your average c/c .



  • Posts: 563
Re: HRI vs Greenglides
« Reply #2 on: April 13, 2007, 05:24:27 pm »
Since they started using HWE i agree, i know that and you know that but the people who count dont i.e the customers.  Chemdry's marketing often rubbishes other cleaning methods uncluding hwe, they say they are different because they use carbonated water.
