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RAM Cleaning

  • Posts: 76
« on: April 11, 2007, 08:58:17 pm »
hi Guys,

Thought i would ask the experts for a little advice as im still a newbie.
I have bought a sebo duo for aggitation and the one-step premium fineline for prespraying, i was going to rinse with fibre & fabric rinse/water depending on the soiling.  I have a few questions all related lol,
i have a 6l sprayer, what pressure should i be spraying at or does that not really matter? what dilution rate should i be diluting the fineline to, how many mls to litres?? and should the water im mixing the fineline be cold or warm or does that not matter again??
Also, the sebo came with the dry powder for dry carpet cleaning, how would i go about using that if i wanted to? and will i be able to do that, use the sebo for dry cleaning one day / agitation the next??

Any advice would be appreciated, cheers in advance


Chris R

  • Posts: 813
Re: Advice
« Reply #1 on: April 11, 2007, 10:10:27 pm »
pump the sprayer up to full pressure.

Use an 01 size jet.

Not sure of the dilution, but READ the LABEL  ;)

Rinse with fresh water or use an in tank detergent depending on soil levels and carpet type.

Cold water will be fine. Warm water is OK. Red hot water will damage your sprayer.

Chuck out the dry powder, its crap. ::)




  • Posts: 563
Re: Advice
« Reply #2 on: April 12, 2007, 10:10:42 am »
MS work best with a fresh water rinse and ive heard the manufacturers actually say that deturgents actually work against the MS, i suppose an acidic rinse shouldnt cause a problem though.  I pump my pressure sprayer up untill the dump valve starts to dump out air then spray away, usually this is around 2.5 bar. We have two duo's and never use them for dry power, the only time i would consider this is on a Belgion Wilton (HWE'd theese fine in past) or if i had to clean SISAL or SEAGRASS, but even then ive heard the results are crap.  The dilution ratios should be on the bottle if not contact the supplier, but to be honest with FINELINE which is Woolsafe i cannot see you having any problems unless you put it on neat.   Golden rule is to test in an inconspicious area if you have concerns.  To do this apply the product to a white terry towel and leave under a weight for 10 mins or so if the carpet has more than one colour try and cover all the colours with the towel, if there is any dye transfer you will see it on the towel and will know you need to try a differnt product or dilution.  Hope this helps.


RAM Cleaning

  • Posts: 76
Re: Advice
« Reply #3 on: April 12, 2007, 08:32:23 pm »
thats great, thanks for the advice guys, hopefully i'll get to try it this week.

with regards to the powder i didn't think it would be much use, noting beats HWE, but i thought as i have it i would give it a go on my own carpets as i live up 3 flights of staris and i hate bringing the machine, like a busmans holiday when its time to do your own carpets lol


RAM Cleaning

  • Posts: 76
Re: Advice
« Reply #4 on: April 13, 2007, 08:08:28 pm »

How long would you suggest i leave to dwell after prespraying before starting to aggiatate with the sebo, or should i do it straight after spraying, and what is the longest amount of time i can leave the prespray down for??



  • Posts: 1120
Re: Advice
« Reply #5 on: April 13, 2007, 09:49:18 pm »
Most microsplitters work straight away with no dwell time , agitation is done immediately before the product has time to dry. If it dries out afterwards then it does not matter, give a light spray with the wand to dampen it before rinsing out with plain water, why use detergent it's defeating the object of biosafe cleaning.

God must love stupid people---He made so many.