A very interesting read on this post, and would just like to add that after about
12 years carpet cleaning i've come to realize that at leats 50% of the business is
to do with marketing, if you don't think seriously about that then you will be just
grafting for few hundred pound a week!
I've implemented a good few of the ideas i've scrounged from the web and
here! and Ithink it would be a good idea to have a section or at least some
good post about marketing and what can be done to grow a business.
Unless you've done fasttrack or the like it can be one of the important things
about this business you miss.
I'm in the process of spending more time looking for decent clients and focusing
on my marketing and letting others do some of the graft, now the business
seems to be growing and making some decent money
It seems though some may be lacking in this area as i was or just not knowing
how to go about it!
Those pointers I think can be just as important as the cleaning itself! - I did a
newsletter recently, inspired by Ian Harper and I can tell you i was amazed at
the response it brought, just from my regular customers
The moral of the story is (for me anyway) is that intead of looking constantly for
new customers, looking after the ones you've got gives you the confidence to
charge those higher prices, because they want YOU and nobody else.
Regards to all