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Allergy guide
« on: February 23, 2007, 06:39:51 pm »
if your interested i have a allergy guide you can download from my blog


Re: Allergy guide
« Reply #1 on: February 23, 2007, 07:08:02 pm »
I've been impressed by many of your recent postings Ian, but on this occasion, you are going seriously, OTT.

Too much information and too many negatives.

There are products which have been available for the past decade, which are more effective, but never been marketed...............I am becoming seriously interested in puting my knowledge to good use and maybe make myself some money along the way



Re: Allergy guide
« Reply #2 on: February 24, 2007, 05:35:59 am »
like most marketing that i do its taken from ideas from other people and like this one people can take and change it to their own.

it a starting point.

lots of cleaners match their marketing message just to the mass market. i am just trying to show how you can match it to many different needs. asthma, eco, house sales are just three.

having just one message limits your market. people are interested in what problems are needs they have. matching your message to that increases your chances.

with passive marketing you just put you message out and wait for prospects to call. with active you are looking to put over a message that will turn someone into a prospect.

thanks for your comments. i would like to hear your ideas. as its not about any one product it about providing a answer to a problem. i am sorry if i have come across as trying to promote just one product. i did not mean to.

as you might know one of joe polish ideas is pre selling by positioning yourself as an expert. link this to differant messages is just a way to reach more prospects in the health or any other area. just like

site is doing for the housing market. when i get time i plan to do a house doctor type guide for this market.


Ian Harper

Jason Hedges

  • Posts: 1035
Re: Allergy guide
« Reply #3 on: February 26, 2007, 12:04:49 am »
Hi Ian,

Good post, nice to see your sharing your knowledge with other carpet cleaners with no gain to yourself, and going that extra yard with an website (blog etc. whatever that might be) Nice one!!

Keep up the good work.

All the best,


Re: Allergy guide
« Reply #4 on: February 26, 2007, 08:12:01 am »
Thanks Jason

its one the areas that I think cleaners need to market to.

Health (allergies, Asthma)
House selling market
Dry carpet cleaning
professional positioning

are just some others that are messages that we can use in out marketing the match these markets.

BTW a blog is just a web site format, its a great way to get prospect or people with the same interest to keep coming back. video blogs are getting lots of hype at the moment. the next big trend will be online TV stations.

I have my flat screen hocked up to the Internet and watch stuff all the time. what will happen will be channels that match peoples interest. a more fragmented channels that what you get now. who know you might get one about cleaning. lots of stuff around at the mo on this subject.

I for one this year are going to get a hd video camera and start a on at night school in September.


Ian Harper

Adam Young

  • Posts: 171
Re: Allergy guide
« Reply #5 on: February 26, 2007, 12:27:32 pm »
Hi Ian,

Nice post, very to the point. Not alot of people know that Asthma is the largest growing disease in Europe and that also it is mostly caused by our lifestyles, and domestic environments. House mites are a major problem and as you know our industry can help "but not fully" eradicate them.

Well said, Lets take action, and yes you are selling, a product that you cannot find enywhere else!

Well done,

NCCA Member 1630


Re: Allergy guide
« Reply #6 on: February 27, 2007, 04:59:28 pm »

Its advise that i use to sell. that's the idea of the guide. its called preselling.

at the end of the day i am a cleaner.

the problem is that people out there don't value cleaning, and its this that limits what they will pay so by positioning yourself as an expert, in this case asthma attack prevention it lifts what we are selling and with it what we can charge.

its the same with all the other areas.

just by cleaning a house we can put thousands on the sale price. the house doctor shows this every show she does. check out he site she has give birth to a new service

so why cant we get in on the act?


Ian harper