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martyn smithurst

  • Posts: 2
« on: March 28, 2007, 09:02:01 pm »
Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions for a legally worded letter to persuade non-payers to settle outstanding payments?


Re: Non-payers
« Reply #1 on: March 29, 2007, 05:03:14 pm »
Don't worry about paying me, I have sold the debt to some local crackheads and I imagine that they may pop round to see you at some get their money.

Many thanks
Your ex window cleaner

Trevor Knight

  • Posts: 1825
Re: Non-payers
« Reply #2 on: March 30, 2007, 04:42:18 pm »
Don't worry about paying me, I have sold the debt to some local crackheads and I imagine that they may pop round to see you and some get their money.

Many thanks
Your ex window cleaner

I like your answer, just wish we could do that, would love to see their faces!!!!

Unless you have a contract or have issued T&C's it is hard to persue the debt.

I find pestering them by telephone does the trick, if required I will send a letter saying something along the lines of:

I am writing to you regarding your outstanding account.

I have telephoned you and requested several times for you to send payment, however, your account remains unpaid.

I would be grateful if you would give this mater your urgent attention as I really do not wish to hand this debt over to our Solicitor. I am sure you will appreciate this will add substantial legal costs to your account and if can be avoided I would prefer to settle your bill without involving him.

Please note if we receive no reply within 14 days from the date of this letter we will instruct further proceedings without notice.

Yours sincerely,

your P***ed Off soon to be ex window cleaner, now pay up you tight gits!!!!
Covering Hampshire, Dorset, Surrey, Berkshire

davey c

  • Posts: 66
Re: Non-payers
« Reply #3 on: April 05, 2007, 12:48:04 pm »
Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions for a legally worded letter to persuade non-payers to settle outstanding payments?

After speaking to someone in the legal proffesion he seems to think that you couldnt persue a debt through the legal channels as you would have to provide proof that youd actually cleaned the windows and had not been payed. He seems to think that it would be your word against theirs unless you have a signed contract or t+c. Then again this was a conversation in a pub aftera few pints!11111 ::) ::)
better luck tommorow.......


Re: Non-payers
« Reply #4 on: April 05, 2007, 09:57:00 pm »
I had one who would not pay.
I rang them and they said they did not give me permission to clean the windows so is not paying .
Funny that as i have been cleaning her over a year.

I heard the wife in the back ground saying tell him we are not paying.

I said i can here everything your wife is saying.
Im giving you seven days to pay up or i will be coming round and i will put your dirt plus more for interest back on your windows.

They hung up.

Two days later i had a cheque with a letter please do not clean my windows again.

Fine by me.

Im getting a bit peed off with bad payers especially after being stitched up for over a grand on a commercial job which is in the process of going through the small claims court.

Im now  tell them if there has been no payment i will be back and will put the dirt back.
And i will
Maybe its against the law i don't know but i get really peed off being taken for a ride and now its pay back time



  • Posts: 609
Re: Non-payers
« Reply #5 on: April 06, 2007, 09:05:40 pm »
did this today, di a little £10 job which i did not want to d but as i was near did anyway. The frames etc were filthy but as last job washed the lot and did a lovely job. Now the fella seemed a decent sort so said i have left sae for payment "but" suprise no payment despite text reminders, now not rally bothered about the money but am not going to let any tw**t get one over on me so this morning got there with an old 18 foot pole and brush soaked brush & gave a good long swish about in the mud and re done upstairs windows, what a rush!
2 hours later text sying sorry for not paying can  sort out please, my reply "get stuffed"
will never get caught like that again

Paul Coleman

Re: Non-payers
« Reply #6 on: April 07, 2007, 12:29:21 pm »
did this today, di a little £10 job which i did not want to d but as i was near did anyway. The frames etc were filthy but as last job washed the lot and did a lovely job. Now the fella seemed a decent sort so said i have left sae for payment "but" suprise no payment despite text reminders, now not rally bothered about the money but am not going to let any tw**t get one over on me so this morning got there with an old 18 foot pole and brush soaked brush & gave a good long swish about in the mud and re done upstairs windows, what a rush!
2 hours later text sying sorry for not paying can  sort out please, my reply "get stuffed"
will never get caught like that again

I would love to have the balls to do something like that.  I've fantasized about it - and worse - but never actually done it.  Mind you, someone who turned me over for the money years ago asked me to clean for them a long time later.  I think they had forgotten they'd ripped me off as they probably do it to everyone.  Sent them away with a couple of choice words.

Michael D

  • Posts: 125
Re: Non-payers
« Reply #7 on: April 08, 2007, 07:15:06 pm »
    Like all window cleaners i`ve had my share of bad payers. i do 3 cleans, i leave a note on the 3rd clean asking for the account to be paid in full in seven days, or i can no longer carry on with the service.  9 out of 10 will pay  but number 10 that gives me trouble all i do is go round and tap his sat dish (no football or eastenders) ,i get no money  :'( but i leave with a smile on my face. I`ve only done this once     Michael D

martyn smithurst

  • Posts: 2
Re: Non-payers
« Reply #8 on: April 15, 2007, 10:01:32 pm »
Thanks a lot for your replies. There is certainly some useful information here, which is very helpful. This is really appreciated. Thanks once again.

captain lard

  • Posts: 304
Re: Non-payers
« Reply #9 on: April 15, 2007, 10:19:36 pm »
Michael that is a very subtle and interesting method you have there, will bear that in mind.
We have just had a deck built in the back garden, the bloke who did it was telling us he suffers from bad payers too. one woman had a deck built and then just refused to pay him, he gave her a week or two to change her mind and cough up but she wouldnt pay. finally he went round to her house one night with his chainsaw and basically cut the whole thing up and left it in a big pile in her garden. Next day the police rang, he gave them his side of the story, they say she is upset about the mess and she wants it clearing. He says he will clear it up. Police ask when will he do it, he replied in about a year...maybe. Police left it at that. He also ended up chainsawing a fence he had erected for another non payment issue.
My father in law fixes washing machines and he has loads of problems too getting payments.


  • Posts: 6824
Re: Non-payers
« Reply #10 on: April 16, 2007, 07:02:25 am »
i know non payers are bad but me personally couldnt possibly do some of the things ive heard. if they dont pay, they dont have their windows cleaned, end of

steve k

Re: Non-payers
« Reply #11 on: April 16, 2007, 07:12:52 am »
I had one once who came out and seen me cleaning her neighbours and asked me to clean hers every 4 weeks. £10 job. She paid that first time. 4 weeks later, I cleaned her windows and left an envelope as she was out. I give 7 days to pay, then I send a reminder letter...still no pay.
I knock round and they are in as lights and TV are on and I see a door close in Living room as I walk up answer, so I know I have a non payer.

Next time round for cleaning, they are in and I carry on cleaning all their windows off the ladder with aapplicator full of Fairy...and never squeegeed off...just left it to dry...not a sound from sight of them...!!!
4 weeks later, I did exactly the same thing...I had forgot about the money but felt ripped off so left my message for them.
Left it there then...their windows are filthy now.