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  • Posts: 609
Re: A really annoying "not today".
« Reply #20 on: February 01, 2007, 08:47:30 pm »
not totally related but like everyone else getting the odd "not this time mate" which for me means not ever again. It does get you down a bit but then i find that the customers i pick up this time of year stay with you and are usually the best, anyway, today doing a dorma type house that i have done twice now and all of a sudden a lady comes around the corner and starts the Oh i have been looking for a window cleaner and i am thinking great. Two minutes later there is around 5 people all coming out of houses and walking over, it was like "night of the living dead", really funny! anyhow ended up with 5 out of 6 all dorma and cons aswell £15 a pop and all because they thought wfp was superb giving such clean frames etc and i would of only got 2 if on 4 week rota and not 6 so that has been a v good decision for me
all the best simbo, it made my month
ps and 3 complete upvc cleans££££££

Clear Vision

  • Posts: 1908
Re: A really annoying "not today".
« Reply #21 on: February 01, 2007, 09:01:59 pm »
Cleaning a customers house today and a car pulls up & out gets a lady.

"would you mind having a look at my house for me? I have a window cleaner at the moment but if you can beat his price of £7.50 you have the job"

P.S. I NEVER steal work off another cleaner

Anyway I said I would pop up and have a look.

£7.50 was a bit on the cheap side. She was out when I called so I put my card through the door with my price of £15 on the back ;D ;D ;D

She phoned my up about half an hour ago ranting and raving that I'm a cowboy and would tell all her friends and neighbours.. I let her ramble on and on then when she stopped I replied, "That's just my call out charge ;D ;D ;D It will be an extra £15 on top of that to clean the windows;D ;D bbbeeeepppppp. Think she hung up ;D

I could tell by her manner when she approached my she was a horrible person! Thats my amusement for the day ;)

Sir Squeaky

  • Posts: 8341
Re: A really annoying "not today".
« Reply #22 on: February 01, 2007, 10:08:56 pm »
Splendid effort.

Another pleb taken care of. ;D

Clear Vision

  • Posts: 1908
Re: A really annoying "not today".
« Reply #23 on: February 01, 2007, 10:37:41 pm »
Splendid effort.

Another pleb taken care of. ;D

Thanks squeak ;)

I was just in one of that moods today where you don't care what you do or say. ;D

steve k

Re: A really annoying "not today".
« Reply #24 on: February 01, 2007, 11:27:15 pm »
spot on...brilliant! ;D


  • Posts: 960
Re: A really annoying "not today".
« Reply #25 on: February 01, 2007, 11:46:47 pm »
who are these arses!!!oh yeah they think they are the worlds
best customer humm ;D ;D


  • Posts: 3120
Re: A really annoying "not today".
« Reply #26 on: February 03, 2007, 12:10:57 pm »
Great reading guys, I was begining to think i am a muppet magnet.

I have been toying with the idea of charging 50% more for 1st clean as mentioned, so i don't feel like i fallen for the 3 card trick! when they change frequency of cleans.
I have dropped a few recently due to not today or not in winter.

I don't tell them your not going to change their mind.
If your not careful before you know it you'l end up with a round full of messer's.

I am tempted when i see the messers to say not today thankyou! or  i'm too busy or I'm not a tortoise mate i don't hibernate at winter. ;D But i suffer from being to polite
Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work.     - Aristotle


  • Posts: 354
Re: A really annoying "not today".
« Reply #27 on: February 03, 2007, 02:51:47 pm »
First thing i tell new possible customers is I ONLY TAKE ON REGULAR CUSTOMERS! (4Weekly, few 8 weekly). I dont do one offs! I then give them the price. Get that out in the open straight away. Ive had 2 not this month please already this year. only had one in the whole of last year! At this point i usually give them one black mark. 2 hits and youre off my books. :o


  • Posts: 1642
Re: A really annoying "not today".
« Reply #28 on: February 04, 2007, 12:08:47 am »
cleaning a house today for a property developer in a posh area an old guy passed my van and knocked my wing mirror on return he knocked my wing mirror again and banged my back door shut muttering he  was going to report me to the police ,rather unpolitly I told him to rev up and take off,to which he read out my no plate
until he came to the last three letters which read CON.
Miffed he carried on moaning and Ireplied Im working to give him a pension and when I REACH PENSION AGE HE WOULD HAVE SPENT MY HARD EARNT CASH ON HIMSELF and their would be none left for me so leave me alone.
Moaning he carryied on walking,to which I ADDED without thinking anddont come out with the in my day  thing and your a world war hero in your messersmit [spelling] to which the ownner came out  laughing He had been waiting to see someone put that old guy in his place [local busy body] moaner. and gave me a fiver more. ;D


Re: A really annoying "not today".
« Reply #29 on: February 04, 2007, 07:48:06 am »
I really don't understand why some of you guys get so annoyed when a customers says not this time or can you leave it till March or whatever.

Its annoying if they wait until you are on the doorstep but I have had several this month who are obviously a bit skint. Thats OK I can relate to that.

Another one doesn't want to bother till mid March and thats OK as well. I have just redated her next appointment on George and its done.

To be honest I am still a bit behind and I welcome a bit of breathing space. But don't go throwing all your toys out of the pram and dropping the customer.


  • Posts: 951
Re: A really annoying "not today".
« Reply #30 on: February 04, 2007, 09:18:42 am »
Its annoying if they wait until you are on the doorstep
All our residentials get a card which lets them know the date when we'll be back. One woman had booked in a painter to do her windows for the exact day we were due - now that's just plain inconsiderate!

but I have had several this month who are obviously a bit skint. Thats OK I can relate to that.
You have your work planned, and I'm sure you have your finances in order too - if you know you have expenses to meet, you cut your cloth accordingly. What does she say to the mortgage company/landlord if she's going on holiday? I'm away for a fortnight, I'll only pay two weeks this month?

I really don't understand why some of you guys get so annoyed when a customers says not this time or can you leave it till March or whatever.
What would you do if ALL your customers said miss me for the next two/three months?  ;)
You're a Scottish window-cleaner? Licensed or not, get yourself along to right now !

Davie Park
Dalzell Window Cleaning Service - Edinburgh


  • Posts: 442
Re: A really annoying "not today".
« Reply #31 on: February 04, 2007, 09:42:20 am »
One woman had booked in a painter to do her windows for the exact day we were due - now that's just plain inconsiderate!

I had that.

I use WFP and she couldn't see why I couldn't / wouldn't clean whilst her decorator was painting the frames !!!  ::)

It rained about half an hour after I left.  ;D


Paul Coleman

Re: A really annoying "not today".
« Reply #32 on: February 04, 2007, 09:56:33 am »
I really don't understand why some of you guys get so annoyed when a customers says not this time or can you leave it till March or whatever.

Its annoying if they wait until you are on the doorstep but I have had several this month who are obviously a bit skint. Thats OK I can relate to that.

Another one doesn't want to bother till mid March and thats OK as well. I have just redated her next appointment on George and its done.

To be honest I am still a bit behind and I welcome a bit of breathing space. But don't go throwing all your toys out of the pram and dropping the customer.

I agree that it's the waiting till your on the doorstep bit that wrankles more than the actual postponement.  I've had times when I've had the hosereel out and the pole up to the window about to start before I'm told "Not today".  I think that is very inconsiderate.  I also think that it is pretty disrespectful too.  All my customers have several ways of contacting me in advance if they wish to defer the clean until another time.  OK so sometimes there are circumstances (such as bereavement) when it would be unreasonable to expect advance notice but, major stuff apart, it is unnecessary to wait until I get there before stopping me.
My cancelling a job over such issues is not a "toys out of the pram" job for me (usually).  It is a considered business decision.  Someone who does it once is more likely to do it again.  I can't afford to have customers who want to send me away sometimes - even if it's only a couple of times a year.  It's easier to pay my mortgage with customers who never send me away.

Sir Squeaky

  • Posts: 8341
Re: A really annoying "not today".
« Reply #33 on: February 04, 2007, 11:12:12 am »
I really don't understand why some of you guys get so annoyed when a customers says not this time or can you leave it till March or whatever.

Its annoying if they wait until you are on the doorstep but I have had several this month who are obviously a bit skint. Thats OK I can relate to that.

Another one doesn't want to bother till mid March and thats OK as well. I have just redated her next appointment on George and its done.

To be honest I am still a bit behind and I welcome a bit of breathing space. But don't go throwing all your toys out of the pram and dropping the customer.
Absolutely spot on Vince.

Bunch of big babies around here.
So a couple of seconds or minutes lost while you get a "no", big wow. ::)

"What if they all said it?"
Well they're not all going to say it are they? ::)

I always get a few here and there saying no.
If they do it twice in a row I won't go back, but now and again? Get over yourselves, they're the boss, they pay your wages.

If you're that inconvenienced by it, then obviously business isn't that good the rest of the time... ;)

brett walker

  • Posts: 1943
Re: A really annoying "not today".
« Reply #34 on: February 04, 2007, 04:37:28 pm »
Its just a matter of working the customers out that take the p***  it doesnt take you long then i get shut

But if its not today thankyou one off then its no big deal lifes too short
