Any advice on how to earn more? here's my stats.
been w/c nearly 3yrs.
20 months on my own.
last 4 months been wfp i use freedom trolley.
I average about £90 a day.
Mon - wed i can't start till 9.30 have to drop my daughter to granparents for babysitting.
I try to work 5 days a week when weather permits, i don't work heavy rain.
Just want to boost my income gonna start canvassing again at £30 an hour is this right for wfp.
also gonna aim at bigger work minimum job £10.
How do you go about getting commercial work and i've heard people say do this in the crapier weather is that correct.
Any advice on how to increase my income in window cleaner greatly recieved I think I should be earning £125 a day, I don't stand around talking to customers or drinking tea.
Is it just a case of keep going for better work and sling away the crap!