Hi Dave
Even after almost 25 years in the industry, there are still occasions when I will refer to my manuals for re-assurance. The manual you received on the NCCA course is quite comprehensive so I would suggest you re-fresh your memory regarding the standard procedures.
With all systems the procedure will be the same, regardless of fibre type. For HWE the cleaning procedure will be vac/inspect, pre-treat, agitate, rinse/extract and groom. For spots, spills and stains you will treat as and when required.
The NCCA training and manual will be generic, not mentioning any brand names. For example it will say something like: pre-treat with an appropriate traffic lane cleaner. My own preference is to use micro-splitting formulae. I find that these will safely work on a wider spectrum of soiling types than most detergent based solutions. You will find in your NCCA manual an extensive section on stain removal, with quite a comprehensive stain removal chart. In my elderly manual it is section 7 and covers 9 pages.
Do not underestimate the benefits of agitation. Even on most wool carpets, you can agitate for long periods without causing damage as long as a suitable medium is used. This morning I cleaned an 80/20 woolblend bedroom carpet and agitated with my host machine with the softest gold brushes. Agitation time 15 minutes, all visible soil broken down. Rinse time 5 minutes.
If you wanted to learn more about cleaning wool, then you could enrol on the excellent Woolsafe Course run by Chemspec and maybe others too.
safe and happy cleaning:)