that is an excellent price (wish i paid that) never seen one that cheap.
firstly- the brush don't come off (because microbore water pipe don't have a re-connectable split in it) so its stuck there, i need to take it off to get in van see.this is easily resolved with some cheap as chips jg-speedfit connectors.
secondly- i only use full 44ft a couple of times a month so i de-mount the pole to four sections (24ft) as this height and lower is most of my working day, but you are still then left with loads and loads of the microbore trailing from the pole (and have to wrap it all up at end of each job too). so i cut the pipe as to what a normal 24ft pole would have and made (another) split with speedfit connectors and put hozelok connector back on.
then, with the rest of the pipe i did the same - speedfit at one end, hozelok at other, so when i add some or all of the sections back on to the pole i just connect the rest of the pipe on with it. simple, the pole acts like 2 poles this way without miles of pipe tangling up everywhere. its dead simple, will cost you about a tenner for all the bits.let me know if you want to do this and i will give you the part numbers for the connectors to save you trawling through them all, can get them loads cheaper than cleantech sell them for too and they are black,so you cant even tell they're there.
wear and tear i cant tell you about cos' i've only had the pole a short while but i can tell you it's THE BUSINESS!!!!!!!!
OH YES, this pole is amazing, it's made my life so much extends and collapses with total ease, the clamps are great (impossible to accidently catch the lever) and operate effortlessly.
the sections come apart and go back on with ease, so you can mount/dismount sections in no time.
its very light and rigid also, the brush (which is also very light) is great too, its the best brush i've ever used (only used vikans before though).
its not very often that a product lives up to all the hype, or what the manufacturer claims, but i have to say, honestly, that this pole does just that!!!
it's a pleasure to use, just so light and easy.
just wish i'd got one for 699+vat though.
hope this helps, anything else let me know.
