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being paid by commercial
« on: October 10, 2006, 08:20:52 pm »
does anyone esle get problems getting the money. At the moment one company owers me three months and it will be four months next week its a daily clean 7 days a week so its not small change. i also have another two companys ( once a week clean ) owe me 2 months each. In all im owed £4800. Do these people know i have a mortgage to pay and a child and wife to feed

Re: being paid by commercial
« Reply #1 on: October 10, 2006, 08:31:14 pm »
What are your terms did you state that you wanted paying sooner rather than later.Some big companys wont pay until 90 days after they receive your invoice.Ive known some companys not to pay for 12 months whats your choices take them to a samll claims court once you done that they will pay thats it.

I learnt my lesson i do not do any new big commercial contratcs unless they pay same day or my invoice says within 7 days We understand and will exercise our statutory right to interest under the Late Payment Of
Commercial Debts (Interest) Act 1998 if we are not paid according to agreed payment terms.

Jon T.C.

  • Posts: 592
Re: being paid by commercial
« Reply #2 on: October 10, 2006, 10:32:37 pm »
Whats the late payment of debts act ?
Elite Cleaning Solutions


  • Posts: 130
Re: being paid by commercial
« Reply #4 on: October 10, 2006, 10:57:31 pm »
Ive had companies paying up to nine months late and having to be threatend with court before we could get the money from them, at one point we stopped doing commercial work altogether.

Chased one company for months, getting passed from pillar to post every time i rang them, eventually got the cheque and banked it, 2 weeks later another cheque came for the same amount, so i banked that as well, couple of months went by and they rang me, "we seem to have payed you twice" :o i said i would have to check with the "accounts dept" ( my biscuit tin ). They had to chase me for 6 months before I decided to give them a cheque, every time they rang I transfered them to the "accountants office" ( toilet ) and just let it ring.


  • Posts: 277
Re: being paid by commercial
« Reply #5 on: October 10, 2006, 11:02:22 pm »
It doesnt matter what acts are available if they wont pay there's nothin you can do to get them to pay. You have two choices you either carry on in the hope that you gat paid, or you stop work, and if they complain tell them pay up and you will start working again. BUT you should do this on the first day they are late with thier payment, once you let go over they will carry on pushing it further & further and once you let them get away with it you are lost.

Even after taking action in the courts you still have to get the money off them.

Ask youself this: am I better of sitting a home and not getting paid, or going out working (with all the extra costs) and not getting paid. You need to spend more time thinking about getting them to pay and less time being happy that youv'e got the work. Dont take any excuses, go round and see the person responsible, a face to face usually does the job, tell them no money, no windows cleaned, and dont fall for the "just do it today and we will put the cheque in the post ", its your money, you have worked hard for it, dont be afraid to ask for it. If all fails as a last resort then you threaten court action, or stand outside thir buildin tell the world what twa*s they are.

It really hacks me off that hard working individuals get the run aroung from larger companis when it comes to getting money off them.

We wont deal with them unless the pay up straight away, the only people that get credit from us are Government bodies, schools & university and the NHS.

Davie T

  • Posts: 566
Re: being paid by commercial
« Reply #6 on: October 11, 2006, 08:54:28 am »
There is no profit in it for you until you are paid.   

If I have a problem I phone a couple of times and if that fails, I appear at their door and ask for my money.

Re: being paid by commercial
« Reply #7 on: October 11, 2006, 09:51:24 am »
So the moral of the story is....don't do commercial stick to residential £200 a day most will be in and if not they send you payment whats the most you wont get payed ? a tenner

The only commercial i do now are the ones i know pay straight away  if any one new rings and its going to be big job i quote double the price and also get someone to sign the quote which states "payment within 7 days of completed work" once you get that signed and 7 days later i ring and ring and ring and ring they remember you in the future then tell them i can make sure they wont get another window cleaner insured etc etc "put them on the window cleaning black list" they pay like a shot

you cant go shopping and pay 30 days later if your terms are within 7 days ,30 days then they have to pay you on your terms.

You don't pay you phone bill bt don't give you 30 days grace they cut you off

you don't pay you credit card they don't give you another 30 days they're on the phone asking where their money is.


  • Posts: 5855
Re: being paid by commercial
« Reply #8 on: October 11, 2006, 10:12:47 am »
When ever I price a commercial, I work out the price and add 10% to the total, and on my invoice its says, if this invoice is paid whinin 14 days you can deduct 10% from the total, most of them go for it because they all like discounts, were in fact you are getting your price for your windows without giving them a discount, and if they don't pay on time you make 10% of the total.
Local Authority's  are a clasic they love the fact they are getting a discount but for them I give 30 days

Re: being paid by commercial
« Reply #9 on: October 11, 2006, 01:36:16 pm »
on all of my quotes i clearly state 30 days to pay. as its raining today im going to drive round to each one and speak to the manager direct not the grease monkeys


  • Posts: 132
Re: being paid by commercial
« Reply #10 on: October 11, 2006, 01:53:54 pm »
On a smaller scale shops ect, i thought could you put so called dirt that you have taken off back on,   soap with applicator and leave it to dry. Maybe you won't get your money but they will have dirty windows.would this be sensable, really p**** me off when they mess you around and make you feel like your begging.

George P

  • Posts: 1304
Re: being paid by commercial
« Reply #11 on: October 11, 2006, 11:46:43 pm »
8 months of being messed about, rang them on a friday and said if cheque not recieved by following tues then i would park in there car park and explain to people who came what we were doing, would do it for a week (if not forced off site) funny thing was we were paid saturday morning. polite but firm.