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dave washbrook

  • Posts: 198
urgent help please
« on: October 11, 2006, 08:36:16 pm »
hi all

i'm new to wfp cleaning and only doing it as an add on to my carpet cleaning business.

i recently brought a pro2 trailor system second hand(thanks rob) used it today for the first time not bad but it has left some spots and drip marks but i think with practice i will get better also i've read lots of posts on here

but my main problem is the height of the buildings in my area i have a 30ft ionics pole but it is very awkard to use and quite heavy is a tucker aluminuim pole lighter and eaiser to use also i need to go to about 45ft.

i know most will say that going that high in the begining is asking for trouble but as no one else does it in my town at the mo i want to get a head start

please help and if anyone has the spare time and wouldnt mind contacting me my number is 07789114272




  • Posts: 558
Re: urgent help please
« Reply #1 on: October 11, 2006, 09:55:06 pm »
Start off with small domestics to get use to waterfed pole method and to build your confidence up. Cleaning high level windows can be tricky if you're unaware of all the potential hazards, i.e. Obstacles to trip over, people nudging behind you as they try to walk past, strong freak gusts of wind, tilt and turn windows not closed properly and many others. Learn to walk before you can run and you'll have no problems working your way up to dizzy heights.
Losing a customer is like waiting for the next bus, another one will come along shortly!