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  • Posts: 599
Re: Hero Window Cleaner...
« Reply #20 on: July 31, 2024, 12:13:09 pm »
On the subject of the hero, Window Cleaner he was very brave. Several years ago I faced a man with a knife he lunged  towards me, only missing my chest by inches. He seriously intended to stab me. It was over a parking space  in Croydon  that he thought I’d taken from him. As  I was pulling in the hose and loading the van but wasn’t moving fast enough for him  a woman gave him a kitchen knife to get me  I froze, and was only saved by a BT engineer who interceded apart I was so shaken I couldn’t even dial 999
So to those people who think they will take the knife man on think again, you’re not as brave as you think you are


  • Posts: 862
Re: Hero Window Cleaner...
« Reply #21 on: July 31, 2024, 12:30:32 pm »
On the subject of the hero, Window Cleaner he was very brave. Several years ago I faced a man with a knife he lunged  towards me, only missing my chest by inches. He seriously intended to stab me. It was over a parking space  in Croydon  that he thought I’d taken from him. As  I was pulling in the hose and loading the van but wasn’t moving fast enough for him  a woman gave him a kitchen knife to get me  I froze, and was only saved by a BT engineer who interceded apart I was so shaken I couldn’t even dial 999
So to those people who think they will take the knife man on think again, you’re not as brave as you think you are

. No where near as extreme as your incident but a couple of weeks ago I was minding my own business cleaning an upstairs window and heard a commotion, 3 young lads (looked about 16) chasing a bigger lad who took refuge next to me, presumably in the hope they would be dettered  from continuing their attack, but one of them was tooled up with a piece of wood and started bashing hell out him. I was stood there, pole extended pole in hand screaming a t him to calm down, totally surreal. The young of today simply have no rules, no boundaries like we used to, it's a shocking world we live in today, you have to be so careful.


  • Posts: 2412
Re: Hero Window Cleaner...
« Reply #22 on: July 31, 2024, 12:40:28 pm »
On the subject of the hero, Window Cleaner he was very brave. Several years ago I faced a man with a knife he lunged  towards me, only missing my chest by inches. He seriously intended to stab me. It was over a parking space  in Croydon  that he thought I’d taken from him. As  I was pulling in the hose and loading the van but wasn’t moving fast enough for him  a woman gave him a kitchen knife to get me  I froze, and was only saved by a BT engineer who interceded apart I was so shaken I couldn’t even dial 999
So to those people who think they will take the knife man on think again, you’re not as brave as you think you are

I think you make a really good point there Tony, although when you’re not the one being attacked, it is a bit different.

You’re right though, a lot of people just stand in shock at what they’re witnessing.

simon w

  • Posts: 1633
Re: Hero Window Cleaner...
« Reply #23 on: July 31, 2024, 12:45:52 pm »
Soldier stabbed the other week, now this, add that to the already list of other things, all in the name of the religion of peace. It has no place in modern society. Should be outlawed.

Your jumping to conclusions....nobody knows the motive or the religious persuasion of the attacker.hes obviously seriously mentally ill IMO

You'd have someone who's "seriously mentally ill" executed??

johnny bravo

  • Posts: 2691
Re: Hero Window Cleaner...
« Reply #24 on: July 31, 2024, 03:57:06 pm »
it must have been planned.    ordered taxi    straight to kill the kids  miles away
if it  happened to my child i would have no remorse to pull the lever . most parents will be the same.
Solicitors always use the hearing voices in the head now to get off with murder


  • Posts: 25055
Re: Hero Window Cleaner...
« Reply #25 on: July 31, 2024, 05:25:03 pm »
There are a lot of assumptions in this thread about the religion of the attacker of these poor little girls (and of the attackers of police in Leeds and the soldier in Kent).

We don't know. Now we have speculation that the attackers are Muslim.

Then that the kids attacker came from Rwanda which is primarily Christian.

And the attackers of police in Leeds and the soldier in Leeds were Muslim.

Then that the Leeds attackers are from the Roma community which is predominantly Christian.

Now we have attackers of the police in Southport which are reported to be whipped up by the EDL.

What do the attackers of the kids and the attackers of social workers and police have in common?

They are extremists.  extreme in their views and behaviour. Maybe they are mental too. Maybe they have been radicalised by power crazed religious zealots, or political zealots or conspiracy theorists.

This thread talked of the 'hero' window cleaner. Which is fine.

But reported posts have been removed and this thread is now locked.

Please reflect before posting.
It's a game of three halves!