2 x Eco Maxi Gum Machines , full working order. Selling as no longer needed. Chargers and Service Pack . 20 hrs use and 42 hours.As Sold by Eco Removal Systems Retail Price over £3000.00 per machine
£1700.00 each or can sort a price for both. Contact for more details
Please see below Description
Portable Gum Removal Machine A comfortable self contained backpack is worn by the operative allowing for complete freedom of movement and ease of use.The unit is attached to an ergonomic lance designed specifically to ensure fast, reliable and easy operation with maximum chewing gum removal. There is a clever pump that injects 16ml per minute of the solution into the lance which is the exact amount required to provide a constant source of vaporised solution. At the point of contact, our specially designed brush emits a PH Neutral and Safe steam mixture to evaporate the chewing gum, which can then be brushed away. The combination of pressure, heat and cleaning solution means that a wad of gum can be removed in just a matter of seconds – one cleaning operative can remove many pieces of gum per hour with no disruption to the public. This is more than double the efficiency of the best possible alternative product.The Ecogum machine eliminates the need for high pressure hoses, unfriendly chemicals and overspray into unwanted spaces, making it highly suitable to work in both populated and busy areas.
The high quality and robust design of the Ecogum range means they have a continuous operating cycle of a minimum four or eight hours depending on the unit.