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  • Posts: 600
Litter warden busts a local window cleaner
« on: April 06, 2024, 12:30:42 pm »
I had finished a commercial job in Sutton surrey last week and was loading up the van and tying  off the ladder
Was about to go back to the office to drop off the invoice .
 when I saw two men jump out of a white Prius the driver pulled up like the sweeney  and surrounded the local window cleaner  an  much older guy who is trad only as he was  putting his bucket back   On the ladders at the back of his car 
he had left a scrim in the road that dropped of his shoulder as he crossed the  main road
He said was about to go back to collect the scrim  but the wardens said he was littering  and demanded his name and details and debit card   there were lots of shouting and swearing at them and they called the police  I picked up the scrim in the road and one of the wardens started on me apparently the water from my hose was also considered littering and he was going to fine me also
p off was my reply and said the water was on the property  of the office not on the pavement
 then two builders came out of the shop and started on the wardens they had been done for leaving brick dust on the pavement where they had been working  in the week
the police turned up three cars blues and twos !! And separated us all  it took half hour the wardens said I was their first target  and demanded my details from the police who refused as no offence was committed
 they  said  that they spotted the other cleaners scrim so went for him instead the cops looked bored and after I explained that the job I was doing wasn’t on public land they told me to go 
the wardens seemed intent on getting the cleaner  I saw him today again gave him his scrim back and he was £150 poorer 
they took the reg no  and photos of my van so I suppose I have a battle in the week to sort out
I wish sometime I could win the lottery and only come back to London in the cockpit of a bomber


  • Posts: 8154
Re: Litter warden busts a local window cleaner
« Reply #1 on: April 06, 2024, 12:39:50 pm »
The UK.

What a $hithole.


  • Posts: 2425
Re: Litter warden busts a local window cleaner
« Reply #2 on: April 06, 2024, 01:17:21 pm »
What a joke!

Jobs worths.


  • Posts: 1006
Re: Litter warden busts a local window cleaner
« Reply #3 on: April 06, 2024, 01:24:00 pm »
Could be worse. You could live in Scotland and get locked up for accusing someone of not being gay.


  • Posts: 600
Re: Litter warden busts a local window cleaner
« Reply #4 on: April 06, 2024, 01:31:23 pm »
The police chief sketch  on YouTube off subject but very funny I apologise if your …..  google  Scot squad


  • Posts: 23862
Re: Litter warden busts a local window cleaner
« Reply #5 on: April 06, 2024, 02:03:27 pm »
I had finished a commercial job in Sutton surrey last week and was loading up the van and tying  off the ladder
Was about to go back to the office to drop off the invoice .
 when I saw two men jump out of a white Prius the driver pulled up like the sweeney  and surrounded the local window cleaner  an  much older guy who is trad only as he was  putting his bucket back   On the ladders at the back of his car 
he had left a scrim in the road that dropped of his shoulder as he crossed the  main road
He said was about to go back to collect the scrim  but the wardens said he was littering  and demanded his name and details and debit card   there were lots of shouting and swearing at them and they called the police  I picked up the scrim in the road and one of the wardens started on me apparently the water from my hose was also considered littering and he was going to fine me also
p off was my reply and said the water was on the property  of the office not on the pavement
 then two builders came out of the shop and started on the wardens they had been done for leaving brick dust on the pavement where they had been working  in the week
the police turned up three cars blues and twos !! And separated us all  it took half hour the wardens said I was their first target  and demanded my details from the police who refused as no offence was committed
 they  said  that they spotted the other cleaners scrim so went for him instead the cops looked bored and after I explained that the job I was doing wasn’t on public land they told me to go 
the wardens seemed intent on getting the cleaner  I saw him today again gave him his scrim back and he was £150 poorer 
they took the reg no  and photos of my van so I suppose I have a battle in the week to sort out
I wish sometime I could win the lottery and only come back to London in the cockpit of a bomber

Luckily this sort of thing doesn't happen in the North West.these wardens would get their van torched and at least a punch in the face!🤣

If it happened to me i would film it on my phone and make an official complaint and defo not pay any fine!
price higher/work harder!


  • Posts: 1628
Re: Litter warden busts a local window cleaner
« Reply #6 on: April 06, 2024, 07:03:56 pm »
Could be worse. You could live in Scotland and get locked up for accusing someone of not being gay.

Yep, cock in a frock is now a woman! 🥴
Comfortably Numb!

the king

  • Posts: 1426
Re: Litter warden busts a local window cleaner
« Reply #7 on: April 07, 2024, 05:51:40 pm »
Makes you wander y bother working these days with all these money grabber companies fining everyone uk getting worse every year soon be like North Korea  and china Russia ect these new camera's are another step to far we’re will it end they will be putting a chip up everyone’s ars next 😂