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simon w

  • Posts: 1634
Selling customers
« on: September 27, 2023, 01:37:25 pm »
In your opinions what do you think customers views are on having their accounts bought and sold by Window cleaners?

richard connett

  • Posts: 300
Re: Selling customers
« Reply #1 on: September 27, 2023, 01:38:57 pm »
Not good I should imagine. I always package it as I’m finding them a suitable replacement . As I’m nice like that


  • Posts: 25125
Re: Selling customers
« Reply #2 on: September 27, 2023, 02:16:34 pm »
Gdpr could be an issue.

Last time I sold some (only about 15 customers, value about £300 every 8 weeks, sold for £600) I told the customers in writing I was downsizing in a couple of months and offering their contact details to a trusted window cleaner.

I included the following paragraph.

Understandably you may not wish to have your details passed on even to a highly recommended window cleaner, so please let me know with 14 days if you would prefer me to give the recommended window cleaner's number to you instead.

No one caused an issue and one even asked me to pass on a back gate key!

It's the way you tell'um!

It's a game of three halves!


  • Posts: 20541
Re: Selling customers
« Reply #3 on: September 27, 2023, 02:21:53 pm »
I gave away a few mowing customers earlier this year. Like AuRavelling79 I was concerned with GDPR so only passed on the details after I'd got consent. I could no longer service the customers so wasn't bothered when I got no response.

If you are selling off a large number of customers, I'm not sure a lack of response is enough to confirm consent.
They're eeeting the dogs.
They're eeeting the cats.
They're eeeting the pets,
of the people who live there.


  • Posts: 25125
Re: Selling customers
« Reply #4 on: September 27, 2023, 04:17:12 pm »
I gave away a few mowing customers earlier this year. Like AuRavelling79 I was concerned with GDPR so only passed on the details after I'd got consent. I could no longer service the customers so wasn't bothered when I got no response.

If you are selling off a large number of customers, I'm not sure a lack of response is enough to confirm consent.

Agreed. Had it been a larger number of customers and sold to an unknown source I would have not passed on details to those that hadn't responded.
It's a game of three halves!

simon w

  • Posts: 1634
Re: Selling customers
« Reply #5 on: September 27, 2023, 04:39:18 pm »
I've never bought work but did sell some about 15 years ago, didn't really consider the customers perspective then, but was wondering if the sale of work ever causes conflict between the three parties involved

Always shining

  • Posts: 124
Re: Selling customers
« Reply #6 on: September 27, 2023, 06:31:23 pm »
Just write a letter to the customers from yourself explaining why you are leaving and get the new guy to write a letter introducing himself.
Explain that nothing will change except the person himself.  All frequencies and prices remain the same.
In the letter introduce the new guy as someone you have known for many years in the window cleaning industry and big him up.
Both then go round and knock every door. If the customer is in then quick explanation why you are there and hand the letters over. Better both in one envelope. If there is no one in then just post the letter.
It is that simple. I’ve been doing it this way for very many years and have never had a problem.
Don’t over think it as the customers just want someone to clean the windows.  I have over the years been thanked many many times for actually finding them a replacement.
I’ve never done gocardless so that may present an issue. But start off by offering cash or bank transfer payments and then once you are in you can introduce the gocardless if that is what you do.
The new guy has spent money buying the work so he will almost certainly provide a good service.
Soon as he has done a clean and they’ve seen the good job he does then they will be happy


  • Posts: 484
Re: Selling customers
« Reply #7 on: September 29, 2023, 12:35:35 am »
Gdpr could be an issue.

Last time I sold some (only about 15 customers, value about £300 every 8 weeks, sold for £600) I told the customers in writing I was downsizing in a couple of months and offering their contact details to a trusted window cleaner.

I included the following paragraph.

Understandably you may not wish to have your details passed on even to a highly recommended window cleaner, so please let me know with 14 days if you would prefer me to give the recommended window cleaner's number to you instead.

No one caused an issue and one even asked me to pass on a back gate key!

It's the way you tell'um!
So that was 15 x £20  jobs ish? I always thought the norm was 6x cleans if monthly, or 3x cleans 2 mthly ? So your buyer got a good deal at 2x ?


  • Posts: 186
Re: Selling customers
« Reply #8 on: September 29, 2023, 09:06:16 am »
Not good I should imagine. I always package it as I’m finding them a suitable replacement . As I’m nice like that
This is exactly what I do ,tell them you have found them a new reliable cleaner to take over some work as you take it a bit easier,
I dont think customer take too kindly to being bought and sold like a commodity, lets face it, even some you have never met, expect you to provide a trustworthy, reliable, service,  Finding them someone to take over is a fine example.
The Stupid Neither Forgive Nor Forget
The Naive Forgive And Forget
The Wise Forgive But Don't Forget


  • Posts: 25125
Re: Selling customers
« Reply #9 on: September 29, 2023, 10:15:19 am »
Gdpr could be an issue.

Last time I sold some (only about 15 customers, value about £300 every 8 weeks, sold for £600) I told the customers in writing I was downsizing in a couple of months and offering their contact details to a trusted window cleaner.

I included the following paragraph.

Understandably you may not wish to have your details passed on even to a highly recommended window cleaner, so please let me know with 14 days if you would prefer me to give the recommended window cleaner's number to you instead.

No one caused an issue and one even asked me to pass on a back gate key!

It's the way you tell'um!
So that was 15 x £20  jobs ish? I always thought the norm was 6x cleans if monthly, or 3x cleans 2 mthly ? So your buyer got a good deal at 2x ?

Yes. 8 weekly. They were my worst jobs with hoses round the back of blocks of four terraces and some parking issues.  I knew the buyer who was a young guy starting out and I just wanted my customers looked as after.

He also came with me on my last clean and I got his labour for free and he got a personal introduction from me to any customers that were home.
It's a game of three halves!