Had a minor fall out this morning with a customers neighbour and it got me thinking. I'd parked outside her house to clean next doors windows, wasn't blocking her drive or anything but she wasn't happy and expected me to park on the opposite side of road, to which I said that would mean trailing the hose pipe over the road which I'd rather not (not a problem doing this if there isn't an alternative, but there was). Anyway, she stormed off saying I was unreasonable. This got me thinking about the job in general and I have a generalised overview that the job is pretty much confrontation free, then started to recall more and more incidents over my 17yrs window cleaning. I've had a couple of hum dingers, one with a fellow shiner and one with a customer but realised all the rest have been with customers neighbours and all bar the hum dingers have the same root cause.......parking. Is parking rage a thing in your area? It certainly is round here, so many people seem to think they have a god given right to the space on the road outside their property, as far as I'm aware they haven't. Even my Mrs gets worked up about other cars outside ours. I know a fellow windy who was even assaulted locally over parking on a shared driveway. Is it the same for you?