People use our services because of the investment we have made in equipment and training. A entry level professional start up kit will cost you a minimum of 5,000. (many of us have in vested many 10 s of 1000s into equipment) To get professional results that is the sort of investment you need to make, along with all the other tools and bits of pieces. Then you need to get your staff trained to use it and understand the chemistry for dealing with odours bodily fluids and the type of things you will encounter in your situation. The staff will need to be fit enough to use that equipment.
In reality rug doctors and the like are just D.I.Y. machines and you are being a bit simplistic in expecting professional result from them. The time and effort you will save in paying somebody to do the job properly will be a better investment. I go to many nursing homes and the like where they have invested a large sum of money into a good machine only to find they have no one capable of operating it, and it is just in a cupboard collecting dust.