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  • Posts: 63
Do you charge more?
« on: November 06, 2019, 11:10:56 am »
Try to create a price list for window cleaning as bit of guide for pricing houses. Looking online seems like I’ve underpriced myself a fare bit for a long time. However do you guys charge extra for 8/12 weekly customers compared to your 4/6 weekly customers? If so do you it as a percentage or a fix fee?


  • Posts: 5366
Re: Do you charge more?
« Reply #1 on: November 06, 2019, 03:01:04 pm »
Try to create a price list for window cleaning as bit of guide for pricing houses. Looking online seems like I’ve underpriced myself a fare bit for a long time. However do you guys charge extra for 8/12 weekly customers compared to your 4/6 weekly customers? If so do you it as a percentage or a fix fee?

First, price is a dangerous game when comparing outside the areas where you work.  If you find out that within your area others are charging more and still getting the work. Then you have choices to make about your own pricing structure if you want some of that too.
(This is one reason why i get passionate on a facebook group on pricing because ones are eager to drive prices down and not up and then try attacking the ones who successfully charge more for their efforts.)

Back to your questions, I have a min charge for say a 3 bed semi and a 4 bed semi etc and use that as a guide.
Also, absolutely YES charge more for my 8 weekly work compared to my 4 weekly work.  For instance a 3 bed basic 2 up 2 down windows is a tenner for me min, on a 4 wk basis.  Its fifteen is 8 wkly.
But then i have jobs that are either £25 4 wkly or £35  8 weekly.

Other times, if i gain a customer in an area where most of my work is 8 weekly, I give the customer a choice of duration based on price. However I price it where they realise 8 weekly, works out cheaper than two 4 wkly cleans.


  • Posts: 1965
Re: Do you charge more?
« Reply #2 on: November 06, 2019, 03:36:30 pm »
To keep it simple I uplift the standard price by 50%. So 3 bed semi on a six weekly cycle is @£15, 12 weekly £23.


  • Posts: 13421
Re: Do you charge more?
« Reply #3 on: November 06, 2019, 03:44:52 pm »
As said - prices vary in different areas of the country, also depends on your circumstances, mortgage, kids, flash cars etc...

we don't have a fixed price menu, we are rural(ish) in Norfolk so do lots of village work, we don't have many streets where the houses are built the same or to a set style so we price each property individually

I 'sell' 8 weekly service as the standard frequency @ £XX but should they like them done more frequently then they can have the discounted 4 weekly service @ £XX

8 weekly ranges between 30 to 50% more than 4 weekly price

or course the 4 weekly price is the minimum I would want to do the job - I'm just more comfortable with offering the higher price with a 'discounted' lower for shorter frequencies than trying to justify why I charge more for 8 weekly cleans ( when in my heart I know it takes no longer than a 4 weeker )

Never argue with an idiot, they will only bring you down to their level, and beat you with experience


  • Posts: 63
Re: Do you charge more?
« Reply #4 on: November 06, 2019, 05:59:55 pm »
I understand prices differ in different areas, although there does seem to be some consistency with pricing from what I've seen e.g 3 bed house £13-£15 on a 4/6 weekly seems to be the going rate where most of mine are around £10 some even less and some more. I'm not totally sure where I am with my pricing compared to other local guys I know of a few are cheaper and some are higher. Just wondering whether guys charge more and how they working it out for longer duration between cleans. I've not always charged more for the longer duration.


  • Posts: 6159
Re: Do you charge more?
« Reply #5 on: November 06, 2019, 06:28:16 pm »
As above prices vary vastly across the country so when comparing pricing make sure you are comparing like for like.

The higher you price the lower your conversion rate becomes, thats why it makes sense when starting out to be a bit lower then bring up the prices as you get busier. When you are full you can then demand a premium as you dont need another £10 job but you could get a £15 one and replace a £10 one an so on.


  • Posts: 23862
Re: Do you charge more?
« Reply #6 on: November 06, 2019, 06:50:27 pm »
I understand prices differ in different areas, although there does seem to be some consistency with pricing from what I've seen e.g 3 bed house £13-£15 on a 4/6 weekly seems to be the going rate where most of mine are around £10 some even less and some more. I'm not totally sure where I am with my pricing compared to other local guys I know of a few are cheaper and some are higher. Just wondering whether guys charge more and how they working it out for longer duration between cleans. I've not always charged more for the longer duration.

at the end of the day there ARE NO RULES!!you do what you want as its YOUR business.....however most of my 4 weekly work that want to change to a longer frequency i charge extra for....IMO they do take slightly longer and use more water if its twice as long since you ve cleaned them so you are well within your rights to charge more....some are doing it to save money and may cancel altogether if you charge a couple of quid more.....if be not working for nothing.....i think my pricing is overall very fair to both myself and the customer.....

most new work is priced at a longer frequency from the off as id rather turn up less often for more money...this esp is the case with larger domestic jobs...most are on either 6/8/12 week frequencies....

window cleaners in my area charge less AND some charge more for various in the middle not the cheapest or the most expensive.......i maybe cheaper on some of the mainly 4 weekly estate work than most other WCs but i have 8 days work on 2 estates so im still earning a good hourly rate,on the other hand i maybe £10-£20 more expensive on the larger stand alone varies....

the key is ARE YOU HAPPY WITH YOUR PRICES?......if not then put them up(i think april is a good time to raise prices)
price higher/work harder!


  • Posts: 16952
Re: Do you charge more
« Reply #7 on: November 06, 2019, 08:00:43 pm »
I don’t normally charge a great deal more when it’s slightly longer between cleans I make sure I price right in the first place,depends what sort of average you are getting per job.
I will only take on larger domestics these days so they are all priced well,if they are small jobs I would just stick to your guns as far as the time between cleans goes,if they don’t fit into your routine don’t do them.