If it’s work for a town council I think you are far more likely to get it , we were asked to tender for the town hall and some bus shelters , we didn’t get the contract a local guy quoted £5 per bus shelter and £75 for the town hall , it’s 4 storey high very awkward to do and has to be done out of normal working hours and would take two people around 3 hours.
County council work again is difficult to get we used to do stuff for them years ago but each time the tender came out they were expecting a cheaper price , but they wanted things like , chas,safe contractor , iso9001 etc ,it’s just mot worth all the hassle we earn far more cleaning domestic houses than we could ever earn working for the local authorities, the last tender that they sent me consisted of 40 + pages just to apply and be considered for the contract , it went straight into the shredder , we do however do some work for schools that are owned and run by the council , no tendering process just put in a price verbally then we got phoned back saying we were authorised it do the work , it does however take about 12 weeks to get payment , I am convinced we got theses jobs beacause I knew the local head teachers , I wouldn’t do work for the council and any tenders they send go straight in the bin theses days I think they have already decided who they want to do the jobs but have to be seen to be transparent so ask local firms tk put in a price the whole system is totaly corrupt as far as Ime concerned