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  • Posts: 25119
Re: Lee Pryor
« Reply #20 on: March 15, 2019, 12:04:44 pm »
Like I said earlier in this thread. I'm not interested in "who started it".

Sadly Dry Clean, although you contribute to this forum you have what is perceived by some on the forum a persistent habit of rudeness and abuse.

Take a week off and reflect.

It's a game of three halves!


  • Posts: 2218
Re: Lee Pryor
« Reply #21 on: March 15, 2019, 01:40:35 pm »
why is it that every time Lee starts a thread it nearly always gets locked due to abuse by fellow members of this forum?

personally I enjoy reading his threads and if I were20 years younger (now 65) I would most likely take on his attitude to the business, get  a few tips from him and expand my business big time.

so for crying out load leave the guy alone and let him share his experiences, a lot of people can learn from it

Maybe one reason Lee antagonises people is quotes like this "Your a one man band that really hasnt achieved anything,",
This is a direct quote from Lee to Dry Clean (who admittedly does seem quite a contentious person) on another thread.
Does Lee think that if you're a one man band we are useless in life in general?
There are a lot more things to achieve in our existence here on earth than building up a big business empire.
Some of these achievements are also a lot more worthwhile, not all happiness comes from wealth, material things / holidays etc
See  I can criticize without being abusive😊

chris turner

  • Posts: 1488
Re: Lee Pryor
« Reply #22 on: March 15, 2019, 02:36:11 pm »
why is it that every time Lee starts a thread it nearly always gets locked due to abuse by fellow members of this forum?

personally I enjoy reading his threads and if I were20 years younger (now 65) I would most likely take on his attitude to the business, get  a few tips from him and expand my business big time.

so for crying out load leave the guy alone and let him share his experiences, a lot of people can learn from it

Maybe one reason Lee antagonises people is quotes like this "Your a one man band that really hasnt achieved anything,",
This is a direct quote from Lee to Dry Clean (who admittedly does seem quite a contentious person) on another thread.
Does Lee think that if you're a one man band we are useless in life in general?
There are a lot more things to achieve in our existence here on earth than building up a big business empire.
Some of these achievements are also a lot more worthwhile, not all happiness comes from wealth, material things / holidays etc
See  I can criticize without being abusive😊

Good post and essentially correct.

Lee has clearly stated numerous times that the reason he has gone as far as he has is to have a bigger house, better car, fine holidays etc etc.
Lee's idea of achievement in life is material things and to be bigger, better and richer then the next guy.  And boy does he like to show it off, which is the thing that annoys the more humble folk on here who are happy in life, happy with what their earning, happy with their achievements and don't feel the need to seek any recognition for said achievements.

The thing that strikes me the most about Lee's posts is that he often states how 'he's trying to inspire others' so they can achieve what he has. Yet when others have mentioned the large size or success of theirs, or others businesses, Lee is extremely quick to question their success or  find some kind of fault with their assessment.
Why would someone who wants to be the biggest and best, try to encourage others to grow to be just as big, potentially knocking him off his perch?
It just doesn't make sense, it's like Tesco offering advice to Aldi so Aldi can compete with them to be the biggest supermarket.
Big companies or even big 'personalities' don't like competition, fact.
So the claim that he shares his success to 'inspire' others just doesn't hold any validity for me whatsoever.

Just to add, I just read Lee's goodbye message and it summed up what I said perfectly. In fact Lee was writing his goodbye message at the exact moment I was typing my post lol.

Lee Pryor

  • Posts: 2287
Re: Lee Pryor
« Reply #23 on: March 15, 2019, 02:53:04 pm »
why is it that every time Lee starts a thread it nearly always gets locked due to abuse by fellow members of this forum?

personally I enjoy reading his threads and if I were20 years younger (now 65) I would most likely take on his attitude to the business, get  a few tips from him and expand my business big time.

so for crying out load leave the guy alone and let him share his experiences, a lot of people can learn from it

Maybe one reason Lee antagonises people is quotes like this "Your a one man band that really hasnt achieved anything,",
This is a direct quote from Lee to Dry Clean (who admittedly does seem quite a contentious person) on another thread.
Does Lee think that if you're a one man band we are useless in life in general?
There are a lot more things to achieve in our existence here on earth than building up a big business empire.
Some of these achievements are also a lot more worthwhile, not all happiness comes from wealth, material things / holidays etc
See  I can criticize without being abusive😊

If your going to quote me perhaps you should also quote me where on many many occasions I have said I have just as much respect for one man bands as a bigger company and I was a one man band for many years myself Go dig that up and quote me there.
The best way to predict the future is to create it.

Forum Admin

  • Posts: 3310
Re: Lee Pryor
« Reply #24 on: March 15, 2019, 02:58:19 pm »
Hi Guys,

before it gets out hand again, i'm sorry but it's hardly like Tesco offering advice to Aldi, that would be ludicrous as they all operate in the same area. I do think this is not the case, sometimes in business you can be so busy building up what you want that it can actually become lonely and sharing your experiences with like minded members makes it feel less so. This may not be the case here, but there's always a bigger picture and we won't have continued negative posts on this when all that's happening is people casting their opinion. It's been said before that opinion isn't fact.

I meet several people who are COMPLETELY different face to face as to what they are over conversations on here, text or email. I guarantee if you all met face to face everyone would end up laughing and shaking hands at the end of the day.

There is a lot more understanding of trolls and negative comments online now, Clean It Up isn't the place for this and it won't be tolerated. No sides are being taken and there are always 2 sides to every story.

Have a great weekend and keep it clean guys.


  • Posts: 2218
Re: Lee Pryor
« Reply #25 on: March 15, 2019, 02:59:30 pm »
Don't get me wrong, in a business sense what Lee has done within the confines of the WC business is quite impressive
But only if that's your thing
Nothing against those that want nice clothes/cars/houses etc, they are all nice but its something I have never really wanted enough to do what Lee has done, too much time taken away from more worthwhile (IMHO) things, like friends, family and maybe charitable activities.
It's better to give than it is to receive, I believe is actually true.
I think time is the most valuable commodity.
If I've achieved some things in life, it would be nice for other people to notice/benefit from etc rather than me having to shout about it on  'tinternet'


  • Posts: 2218
Re: Lee Pryor
« Reply #26 on: March 15, 2019, 03:00:47 pm »
why is it that every time Lee starts a thread it nearly always gets locked due to abuse by fellow members of this forum?

personally I enjoy reading his threads and if I were20 years younger (now 65) I would most likely take on his attitude to the business, get  a few tips from him and expand my business big time.

so for crying out load leave the guy alone and let him share his experiences, a lot of people can learn from it

Maybe one reason Lee antagonises people is quotes like this "Your a one man band that really hasnt achieved anything,",
This is a direct quote from Lee to Dry Clean (who admittedly does seem quite a contentious person) on another thread.
Does Lee think that if you're a one man band we are useless in life in general?
There are a lot more things to achieve in our existence here on earth than building up a big business empire.
Some of these achievements are also a lot more worthwhile, not all happiness comes from wealth, material things / holidays etc
See  I can criticize without being abusive😊

If your going to quote me perhaps you should also quote me where on many many occasions I have said I have just as much respect for one man bands as a bigger company and I was a one man band for many years myself Go dig that up and quote me there.

I've no doubt you said those things, but you also said what I just wrote as well!!!!

Forum Admin

  • Posts: 3310
Re: Lee Pryor New
« Reply #27 on: March 15, 2019, 03:03:47 pm »
Last chance to leave it there now have been warned.