I find it diffficult to believe that a guy with the savvy and nous to have a window cleaning business with multiple operators and vans, cant see a solution to having to tell his employees that he's having trackers fitted
Guess its just the free, helpful, forum advice he seeks
I’m always happy to learn things here. I pride myself on being a good employer and having motivated workers. This has the potential to demotivate my longest serving employee.
if thats all it takes to de motivate them then you have the wrong staff
You think a tracker is really going to effect them?
I know you mentioned that you a “kinda” fitting them because you don’t really trust them, sooo.. your concern is that you do t trust the staff but do t want them knowing you don’t trust them is that correct ?
You maybe putting your own interpretation on the situation it’s just another tool to advance your company just like moving to water fed pole or using sat navs or a computer to do accounts.
Have a look around shops and offices there are security cameras, everywhere do ALL these staff feel they are untrustworthy? I doubt it ( maybe those who are already on the take do because they have something to hide )