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John Mart

Re: Quote Conversion Rates
« Reply #20 on: April 19, 2018, 08:10:44 pm »
People make the assumption that they are getting their conversion rate based on price and if it's low that means they price high. That's silly.

How’s it silly ? If the amount of jobs people are getting after they quote with a high price , are low - then the conversion rate is low is it not?
I think you misread what I said. What I was really saying was that the price is almost certainly not the reason people aren’t getting a high percentage of their quotes unless they are getting more than one quote for the job. With domestic window cleaning that’s not usually the case. Generally, they get a leaflet, see the van or get recommendations.

Marc Stock

Re: Quote Conversion Rates
« Reply #21 on: April 20, 2018, 04:07:22 pm »
People make the assumption that they are getting their conversion rate based on price and if it's low that means they price high. That's silly.

How’s it silly ? If the amount of jobs people are getting after they quote with a high price , are low - then the conversion rate is low is it not?
I think you misread what I said. What I was really saying was that the price is almost certainly not the reason people aren’t getting a high percentage of their quotes unless they are getting more than one quote for the job. With domestic window cleaning that’s not usually the case. Generally, they get a leaflet, see the van or get recommendations.

Its true.

I havent (still) done any canvassing yet, and im heading for £4.5k worth of new signups now since jan.

Every one of the customers i have got have been around 10 percent higher price wise than usual.