Don't know about you guys but i've had so many new customers since January way more than normal. I've had 28 new customers since January 5th and still waiting on a few more quotes i did too. Monthly value of £372 Average per customer just over £13 each. Some defo messers, but a good amount of decent customers for sure. This is mainly from walk ups, referalls and website/fb. No canvassing at all or advertising. This doesn't include about another 10 jobs that i turned down for poor access/parking, areas i just dont want to do. Also had a few good FSG jobs aswell come in from new customers. Seem to be getting better results January + February than any other month at the moment.
Whats going on lol. Any of you guys getting lots of work coming in? Usually i find January & February to be hit and miss but this year, it's better than summer months....