Builders cleans are what introduced me to window cleaning the first time , i was left without a job , just needed money coming in and this came up so took it , they were called Yeo Valley Services and did for the likes of Persimon and Redrow , we had to go all over the Southwest getting in just before the snaggers came , back then nobody covered anything up , it was a total nightmare .
Render all over , taping had been left to bake on , scaffold was down early or they turned up while you were stood on it !
And this was all done at £40/£50 a house regardless of size , pretty much every job had a glass claim against them , i dont see how they made any money .
In the end they took my van away as i was using it weekends to start my domestics off , luckily i had enough to leave .
I havent done one since and never would , you have to price so high to make it worth it you normally dont get it .