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Caleb Morley

  • Posts: 376
I'm hiring a gutter vac on Friday as I haven't replaced mine yet.

The supplier reckons you can't use it in the rain as there is a risk of electrocution.

Is that really the case?


The Jester of Wibbly

  • Posts: 2162
Its harder to work in the rain when trying suck up from the gutter. You will be sucking up all the rain water.  Also it makes muck get more stuck the poles and tubes causing blockages.

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  • Posts: 6214
Of course water and leccy don't mix

I used to valet cars and used vacs and electric pressure washers in the rain.

There's a risk, same with owt in life. It would.most likely just blow a fuse if anything shorted. Crack on


  • Posts: 3873
Just stick a 3 bar electric heater next to the vac to keep it dry   ;D


  • Posts: 2395
Just stick a 3 bar electric heater next to the vac to keep it dry   ;D

Don't forget to plug electric heater into a wet socket 👍
We look at them, they look through them.


  • Posts: 29
Sure no problem.... Make sure you stick your fingers in the live sockets to clean out any dirt first...