A rating system for the quality of equipment would not work for the simple reason that everyone’s expectations is different
The biggest gripe people seem to have with suppliers on this bulletin board is not delivering in the stated time.
So a simple rating system of
Goods delivered in the stated time Yes or No
Order delivered complete Yes or No
Missing parts delivered in stated time Yes or No
Warranty parts replaced in stated time Yes or No
Each person using the rating system would be required to fill out a comments box and a separate box for the supplier/Manufacture to fill out if they wish with an explanation of what went wrong.
A third party would not be allowed to make any comments on the subject.
All Manufactures and suppliers would be added to the list if they use this board for advertising purposes. If they do not wish to be on the rating list all reference to there company should not be allowed when making a post, that includes web links in there personal details.
Manufactures and suppliers use this and other bulletin boards for free advertising indirectly or directly, so we should be able to find out info on the quality of there service and judge there performance. And they should have the right to defend themselves without being abused by people that have nothing to do with the incident.
This is the first draft could people please point out if they see a flaw in this, It has to be totally far for it to work properly. This is my idea and as nothing to do with the people that run the board. If enough members vote to it being a good idea maybe they will introduce it