I agree, that the 'usual' multiplier is about 3-4.
If the answers to all my questions were exactly what I wanted to hear; and they could be verified, then it could be worth a higher than standard multiplier. BUT NOT 9x for a less than large round in SHEFFIELD.
But I seem unable to get any answers at the moment; I personally if selling an exceptional quality round, would be keen and quick to provide actual DETAILS. Not the opposite.
Shall we all try to extract actual details of this brilliant round?
And, see what if anything, we get back?
I am from Sheffield, and usually try to avoid local work, preferring to travel. My personal experiences have been that customer loyalty, is very poor in this part of YORKSHIRE.
I can only speak my personal opinion, gleaned from my 20 years experience in window cleaning; and this round, could for all we know, be the exception, that proves the rule
Please provide details, as previously requested, we are all dying to hear more about this hidden gem!
Steven Greaves